How to take apart a Hi-Point 9mm handgun.
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How to take apart a Hi-Point 9mm handgun.
I had lost the pin for my .45 somehow, and there is supposed to be a black plastic piece that goes on the end of the spring that pushes the slide back. One of the times that I took it apart, the spring shot off and I could not find the piece at the end of the spring. Take you time taking this apart as the springs can take off on you, and the pin that holds the slide in can be lost very easily as it can roll off and run away.
Links to the different oils that I use for cleaning my guns
Hoppe's No. 9 Synthetic Blend Lubricating Oil
Hoppe's No. 9 Bench Rest Lubricating Oil with Weatherguard
Gun Scrubber Synthetic Gun Oil with PTFE Lubricant
Birchwood Casey Gun Super Blue
Hoppe's No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner
Hoppe's Universal Gun Cleaning Accessory Kit
Hoppe's No. 9 Gun Cleaning Patch, .22-.270 Caliber
1000-pack Gun Cleaning Patches