This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

680: Trump, Jerusalem and a Private Spy Army


It's got all the makings of a great story, and I don't aim to disappoint today.

The big news today is about the president's decision to delay moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

Well, that's not entirely true...

The truth is, Congress passed a bill in 1995 calling Jerusalem the capital city of Isreal and ordering the embassy be moved there. But the built-in delay prevision has allowed every president since Clinton to push off implementing the bill.

Now it's in front of Trump who stated in a campaign pledge that he would move the embassy. The problem is, world leaders are blowing up his phone like a jealous girlfriend trying to convince him not to do it.

The Intercept is reporting that the president it entertaining the idea of starting a private intelligence army similar to the CIA that would report directly to him.

The article is weak on evidence but the site several sources inside the intelligence community that claim a first-hand account of the proposal.

I want to discuss the possible pros and cons of a program like that and give you my thoughts.

Don't forget to share the show!

