This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

544: Trump, Putin, and the Media. Who's Telling the Truth?


Trump has lashed out at the media again, this time calling them "the enemy of the America people." The media has responded by suggesting this is a tactic used by dictators to silence a free press.

John Mccain has weighed in on the issue even going as far as to criticize the president while giving a speech in Germany. Not directly mind you, but he did give a point-by-point takedown of the president's worldview calling it Nationalism.

But how much credit should we give McCain? Fellow senators like Rand Paul say not much, claiming McCain's criticisms are a reflection of a personal feud between him and the president. Rand went on to suggest McCain has been on the wrong side of history for the last four decades.

Today, I'm going to tear into this feud and explore some of the criticisms of both Trump and McCain to see if we can find some truth among the spin.

Also, If you thought I was joking about the government taxing robots I've got some great comments by Bill Gates. Can you say, hypocrite?

It's great to be back with you. Don't forget to like and share the show!!

