This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

615: Should You Go To Jail Over Something You Said?


Free speech right? But what if someone died because of what you said? More precisely what if you encouraged someone to kill themselves and then they did it?

That is exactly what happened to Michelle Carter. When she was 17, she convinced her boyfriend to commit suicide by sitting in his car and pumping fumes into the cab.

Her boyfriend died, and text messages revealed what a sinister black widow Michelle really is.

Today Michelle was convicted of manslaughter and faces 20 years in prison. Should she?

That's what I want to talk about today.

The state of Illinois has halted all work on its roads and highways. It's officially out of money. They haven't had a balanced budget in almost three years, and their pension program is some 250 BILLION dollars underfunded.

The State currently has nearly 15 billion in unpaid bills, and its credit rating has now achieved Junk status.

Why? Why is Illinois in this situation? It's quite simple, years of progressive, socialist policies have finally taken their toll. I'll give you multiple examples on today's show.

