This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

776: A Liquidity Crisis of Biblical Proportions
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I've been talking about it for over a year and now we can see the writing on the wall.

John Mauldin, one of my favorite investment writers has a new article out discussing the heavily leveraged bond market.

Now I know many of you are not familiar with all the market jargon that gets thrown around one CNBC and Bloomberg so just picking up Mauldin's article would likely be like reading a foreign language. So I've decided t break down the piece and make it understandable.

Not only that but I want to give you some ideas on how you can start planning for the next recession so you don't get left out in the cold when the next economic collapse hits.

Talk soon,

