The KrisAnne Hall Show - Daily Journal: Trump’s “Broken Presidency” & Impeaching SC Justices

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Daily Journal: Trump’s “Broken Presidency” & Impeaching SC Justices
Alternatively you can listen to the KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal on YouTube

"Daily Journal: Trump’s “Broken Presidency” & Impeaching SC Justices08/13/2018 -

USA Today claims the office of the president is broken and they know how to fix it. Learn what their plan is and exactly why it is the worst plan ever. Some claim Supreme Court justices cannot and will never be impeached. Oh yeah? What about this! This and more on the KrisAnne Hall Daily […]

The post Daily Journal: Trump’s “Broken Presidency” & Impeaching SC Justices appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 830: Omarosa Releases Trump Tapes but Media is Missing the Real Story

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

830: Omarosa Releases Trump Tapes but Media is Missing the Real Story
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