The KrisAnne Hall Show - Daily Journal: Legislation Shows Feds Create & Congress Funds Fake News
Aug 28
This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at
Daily Journal: Legislation Shows Feds Create & Congress Funds Fake News
"Daily Journal: Legislation Shows Feds Create & Congress Funds Fake News08/28/2018 -
A former FBI agent says the FBI makes news then uses that news to get warrants. I want to show you how the FBI thinks that’s all legal. 2 pieces of legislation passed in 2012 & 2014 passed by Congress not only “authorizes” the government to make news to manipulate the American people, but also […]
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