I Had to Say it podcast - Flexing on Social Media & The Elitist Problem

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Flexing on Social Media & The Elitist Problem

Stuff happened, Aaron has thoughts. Also a correction, and there will be some cool stuff in the near future, so listen up for that.

Weather'd Soul https://www.weatherdsoul.com/ MaddK Studios https://maddkstudio.com/ Music Makin' Cents https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC83P... Horrible Designs https://www.horribledesigns.com/

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I Had to Say it podcast - The border, WEF, & lines being drawn

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

The border, WEF, & lines being drawn

It's been an interesting week. Lots going on. Some of it just happened shortly before I sat down to record this one. The WEF got scolded, more than once. To their faces, and I'm here for it. Also the supreme court rules against the sovereignty of states, probably to the absolute last state they should pull that with. And I have some thoughts about how that could play out. And I talk about some friends of the show. Anyway you know the drill by now.

Cool Stuff at Horribledesigns.com Use code IHADTOSAYIT for 10% off your order

Check out the website ihadtosayitpodcast.com

Call the voicemail line 815-661-6464

MaddK Studios: maddkstudio.com

Weathered Soul Podcast: weatherdsoul.com

Raunchy Regret Podcast: linktr.ee/raunchyregret

Grays Tap Room:linktr.ee/Graystaproompod2

Whiskey Hell: Whiskeyhellpod.com

Unfiltered Discussions: unfiltereddiscussionspodcast.com

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I Had to Say it podcast - Border Scuffles, Virtue Signals, and the WEF

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Border Scuffles, Virtue Signals, and the WEF

Two weeks in and this year is already going off the rails. The politicians are stepping up their nonsense, the population is at risk, and we have to look at things critically.

Cool Stuff at Horribledesigns.com Use code IHADTOSAYIT for 10% off your order

Check out the website ihadtosayitpodcast.com

Call the voicemail line 815-661-6464

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I Had to Say it podcast - Insurrection, elections, protests, and.....Aliens?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Insurrection, elections, protests, and.....Aliens?

So it's been a little over a week into 2024 and boy do we have some stuff to think about. The anniversary of the most tame ass violent insurrection on the books, the death of an unarmed woman at the hands of a cop that DIDN'T start a summer of love, farmers sick of the bull, and aliens? Well something happened in Miami, and the official story stinks on ice. And as always I have thoughts.

Cool Stuff at Horribledesigns.com Use code IHADTOSAYIT for 10% off your order

Check out the website ihadtosayitpodcast.com

Call the voicemail line 815-661-6464

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I Had to Say it podcast - Coming Out, Guns Blazing

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Coming Out, Guns Blazing

Happy New Year.

It will surely be an interesting one, and I have some thoughts on the matter. Shocking, huh? But there is still hope, and we need to cling to that. But in this episode I talk about the upcoming election, the current migration crisis, the impact of US policies on the global perception of us, and what I think, quite frankly, lies on the horizon for all of us. And why I hope I am wrong.

Cool Stuff at Horribledesigns.com Use code IHADTOSAYIT for 10% off your order

Check out the website ihadtosayitpodcast.com

Call the voicemail line 815-661-6464

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ihadtosayit/message

I Had to Say it podcast - Politics, Podcasts, and Land Whales

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Politics, Podcasts, and Land Whales

Well, the year is almost over. Rather than a wrap up I am having another rant up. There is the usual political nonsense, I talk about podcasting a bit, and wrap up with some thoughts on "Fat positivity" inspired by recent events, involving several "Fat positive" social media "influencers". Just in case the title isn't a giveaway I am not a fan.

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I Had to Say it podcast - Apathy and self worth

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Apathy and self worth

It's a short one. Just some thoughts, I'm a little under the weather this week. Sorry. You know the drill.


Cool Stuff at Horribledesigns.com Use code IHADTOSAYIT for 10% off your order

Check out the website ihadtosayitpodcast.com

Call the voicemail line 815-661-6464

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ihadtosayit/message

I Had to Say it podcast - The Mindset of the Masses

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

The Mindset of the Masses

announcement, and a lot of ranting. Enjoy.


Cool Stuff at Horribledesigns.com Use code IHADTOSAYIT for 10% off your order

Check out the website ihadtosayitpodcast.com

Call the voicemail line 815-661-6464

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ihadtosayit/message

I Had to Say it podcast - Black Friday, Small Business Saturday Holiday season thoughts

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday Holiday season thoughts

The holiday season is upon us. Maybe this year instead of jumping on the biggest sales to put more money in big box sellers pockets you support some small businesses, on line stores, or content creators. Think outside the box and help out your fellow man.










--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ihadtosayit/message

I Had to Say it podcast - Viva la Libertad Carajo!

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Viva la Libertad Carajo!

This one is a little different. But only a little, Recorded kind of last minute this is literally something that just happened and I need to talk about it. Javier Milei won the presidency in Argentina. If you don't know who he is google it. The videos pretty much speak for themselves. This guy is what we need. He can show the way, assuming that he can deliver what he was elected on. The MSM is comparing him to Trump, almost non-stop. Other than they are both outsiders with very large personalities, this is fundamentally wrong. Unlike the cheeto, who said he was going to make the government work, Milei has said that the government doesn't work, and he is going to tear it down. Slashing government spending and bureaucratic nonsense to return the control to the people.I really hope he does, and the rest of the world sees that it can be done.

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