This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Corona Madness Sets In

"Click here to download the free training mentioned in today's show. To start off today's show, we're gonna answer another listener question. This one is about time management. It's a good question because the vast majority of people wander their way through life. They have no purpose, and they don't have clear goals, so they have to drag themselves out of bed. And that means they're starting each day reacting to the world. But we're winners. Winners don't react to the world. Winners impose their will upon the world. And that starts with owning your morning. So we'll run through some tips for starting your morning on the right foot. The bulk of our conversation today, however, is focused on the collapse of the lockdown narrative. Stop me if you've heard this before: a major newspaper published a clickbait headline. The internet freaked out. And an hour later they published a "clarification" that wasn't NEARLY as juicy of a headline. On Tuesday, the LA Times ran this headline: L.A. County 'with all certainty' will keep stay-at-home orders in place through July. They were quoting LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer, while ignoring that she clarified that the lockdown would be relaxed in stages. The clarification was too late. The damage was done. This entire pandemic hoax has pulled back the curtain. The media and political elite have revealed just how corrupt and incompetent they are. And it's destroying people's lives. If you aren't yet convinced that it's time for you to take control of your life and maximize your own freedom through wealth creation, this isn't the show for you. We're going places. We see the opportunities for greatness, and we're surrounding ourselves with people going in the same direction. Are you coming?"