I Had to Say it podcast - A Conversation with 69 Whiskey

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

A Conversation with 69 Whiskey

Part 2 of our talk. We go talk true crime, war stories, and other shenanigans.

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I Had to Say it podcast - RESTRICTed BRICS

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.


There was a ton of stuff to talk about this past week. None of it bodes well for the American people. I touch on the "Tik Tok" ban which is actually SO MUCH more than that. It is basically the patriot act on steroids, and if it passes, we all lose. Also BRICS is making moves that could lead to major destabilization of the American economy, but nobody is really talking about that either. The mainstream media is not your friend. And this past week proves it, or else we would all know more about these things without the digging being necessary.

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I Had to Say it podcast - A Conversation with the lads from 69 Whiskey

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

A Conversation with the lads from 69 Whiskey

I sat down and had a LONG conversation with Eric & Matt, the hosts of 69 Whiskey. It's not a bar pod. That being said I enjoyed talking to these guys and hopefully you will have as many laughs listening to this as we had recording it. This went real long, part two will follow next week. OR you could go sign up to support the show either through pateron or buy me a coffee and get the whole thing in one shot, including special bonus audio that won't be in either free feed. You can sign up at the show's page www.IHADtosayitpodcast.com

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I Had to Say it podcast - You need Discipline too

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

You need Discipline too

Last week I talked about passion, this week I talk about something you won't get very far without. Discipline. Unless you are one of those people who the chips always land right for, in which case you probably aren't listening to my little show any way. So yeah, discipline is important, and it is like a muscle, you got to practice it to build it up. Start out small. Take the walk, put down the donut, do the crossword, something, anything that you don't want to do that will ultimately benefit you. Do it. You will thank me later. And then go to horribledesigns.com and get some smartassed thing on a shirt and some stickers for some random shenanigans. Then go to ihadtosayitpodcast.com. I got new stickers with the new logo and all you have to do to get a couple is ask.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ihadtosayit/message

I Had to Say it podcast - Passion, Balance, and Happiness

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Passion, Balance, and Happiness

Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. But is that really the case? Is passion enough? When you do things because you HAVE to is it still possible to WANT to do them? I have thoughts, shocking right? But ultimately the key, as with so much in life is balance, which I also have thoughts on. And as usual I ramble a bit and get distracted. Also there is a promo in this episode for SP Filmviewers, a podcast I just started listening to, where one host has seen the movies, the other just watched them for the first time, and they talk about it. So far I am digging their dynamic, and you should at least check them out. Also go cop come gear from horribledesigns.com, it's still good and I am not gonna stop plugging it so you might as well get onboard.

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I Had to Say it podcast - Bank Bailouts, censorship, and leave them kids alone

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Bank Bailouts, censorship, and leave them kids alone

Okay, so a couple of banks collapsed, and the government bailed them out. Now no surprises there, but a nasty side effect of this is a congressman showing they just don't learn and asking if there was a plan in place to censor information about this to prevent another run on the banks. They just don't learn. Also I have some things to say about some people that are preying on kids. If you are new to the show buckle up. I have no patience for that particular flavor of scumbaggery. 

--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/ihadtosayit/message

I Had to Say it podcast - Living from a place of fear.

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Living from a place of fear.

The thought that has been rolling around in my head, that I discuss this episode is one that I am still working through. So join me for my thoughts on how a lot of the issues I have with the world today come from a place where people are living from a place of fear. It is endemic to a certain percentage of the population, and it drives their behavior, as they scream about acceptance and equality, without actually wanting either of those things since if it is something someone else has to give them, particularly without being earned, it can just as easily be taken away. 


I Had to Say it podcast - The conspiracy theorists are 35-0

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

The conspiracy theorists are 35-0

Okay, so the title may be a little misleading, but I do talk about the conspiracy theorists a bit. This one is a lot of a rant about the sitting president, the current state of the government in the US, the jab, Fauci, and why we are where we are. On a track that has put us closer to WW3 than anytime since the cold war. I am really starting to sound like a broken record on this stuff, but until it changes, some of it will linger in my mind, so you guys get to hear my thoughts on it.

In the mean time buy some stuff at horribledesigns.com

Check out the website at ihadtosayitpodcast.com


I Had to Say it podcast - Updates and a matter of perspective

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Updates and a matter of perspective

So in this one we update some of the stuff talked about last week, and I kind of ramble about my perspective on how things are going. 



Yeah. Go check some stuff out.


I Had to Say it podcast - Chemical Spills, UFO's & WW3

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the I Had to Say It podcast.

Chemical Spills, UFO's & WW3

It's been a crazy week. UFO's getting shot down, a train derailment that is an ecological nightmare, and WW3 is looming. But how are you doing? Also Big shout out to Sam Sprunger One of the co-hosts of the 500 Section lounge for the new pod art. Go check out the show and enjoy. Let him know Aaron sent ya.


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