The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1153 Let the Non-compliance Begin!

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1153 Let the Non-compliance Begin!


Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

This is not Europe or China or any other place on the globe. This is America and Americans do not tolerate Kings... We defy them. Time to get back to the real things that Makes America Great - our refusal to submit to Tyrants and our Love of individual Liberty.
Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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The Jason Stapleton Program - Kamala Harris: What Else?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Kamala Harris: What Else?

"Follow Jason on Locals! _____ Kamala Harris is a sincerely despicable, disgusting, reprehensible human being. So it makes sense that the Democrats would select her as a VP candidate. Because make no mistake about it: Joe Biden isn’t the one doing the decision-making around here. Not the most senile presidential candidate in American history. In fact, that’s part of the value of Copmala in the eyes of the Dems. She can masquerade as a capable executive if and when Joe decides he’s done with this whole President business. Or when it’s decided for him. But one thing is clear: by choosing Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s VP, the Democrats are throwing the election. They’re actively trying not to win. If that sounds crazy to you, then you need to listen to this episode. Because it’s clear as day to us."

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1152 Finally- What We Need To Do To End State & Local Mandates

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1152 Finally- What We Need To Do To End State & Local Mandates


Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Governor's acting like Kings & Queens, Mayor who look more like Monarchs than elected representatives are issued orders that seriously violate the Constitutions of every State they are in. I will tell you specifically what needs to be done. The people will have to choose to do it.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
To JOIN with us just simply Text- impact2020 to 33777

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The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1151 Principle Not Politics

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1151 Principle Not Politics


Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

Have you ever looked at the media and their stories like this?

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
To JOIN with us just simply Text- impact2020 to 33777

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The Jason Stapleton Program - Don't Doubt Me: NYT Now Says Pandemic Over By October

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Don't Doubt Me: NYT Now Says Pandemic Over By October


The Jason Stapleton Program - Abuse of Power: Trump Bans TikTok and WeChat

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Abuse of Power: Trump Bans TikTok and WeChat


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1150 Is There a Storm Coming?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1150 Is There a Storm Coming?


Watch The KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

What will calm the unrest in America? Is there a resolution? What will be the consequences of the 2020 election? Let's talk about it.Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
To JOIN with us just simply Text- impact2020 to 33777

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The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1149 Congress has made doctors paid drug dealers

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1149 Congress has made doctors paid drug dealers


Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

1. NM Governor Grisham is whining about lack of federal provisions for COVID. I will tell you why she needs to stop whining and act like a governor
2. John Oliver of "Last Week Tonight" is whining about Portland and the federal government. I will tell you why he needs to read the Constitution and stop whining
3. Congress authorized big pharma to charge whatever they want for Medicaid drugs & give doctors commissions for handing out high dollar prescriptions. Trump has issued executive orders to require big pharma to give fair market value prices for drugs that the taxpayers will purchase- Big pharma is mad.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
To JOIN with us just simply Text- impact2020 to 33777

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The Jason Stapleton Program - Yes, the 1% Are Superior to the 99%

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Yes, the 1% Are Superior to the 99%

"Follow Jason on Locals! _____ Our culture has been conditioned to despise greatness. Left-wing thought places egalitarianism as its highest ideal, which means left-wing people tend to be suspicious of hierarchies. Right-wing thought places excellence as its highest ideal, which means right-wing people tend to embrace hierarchies. If you track the cultural evolution of America ever since its inception, you will notice a steady leftward march. However, over the past few decades, that march has turned into an outright sprint. So the consequence is that our culture is now completely dominated by calls for all sorts of egalitarian solutions to "problematic" hierarchies. This is why we're constantly hearing so much hate for the 1%. But there's a reason the 1% is the 1%. And it's because they ARE better than the 99%, by definition! This doesn't necessarily mean they're better humans, or more worthy souls, or more deserving of life. Rather, it means they are willing to do the things that are necessary to make themselves better. And here at WP&I, we believe that excellence should be admired and aspired to. We aspire to be better. So we champion the 1%. And you should too."

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1148 California Nevada SCOTUS & Separation of Church & State

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1148 California Nevada SCOTUS & Separation of Church & State


Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

First let me say the recent Supreme Court Decision regarding the Nevada Church is once again being misrepresented by the media. Let me tell you what it really means. Secondly, What does this decision mean to the future of America's principle of Separation of Church & State.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
To JOIN with us just simply Text- impact2020 to 33777

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