The Jason Stapleton Program - Blast from the Past: You Ever Doubted Me?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Blast from the Past: You Ever Doubted Me?

"_____ If you've listened to this show for any length of time, you've heard the mantra: "Don't doubt me!" Yet somehow, some people just don't get it. A couple years ago, there was a huge hullabaloo when we rebranded this show. It was like the world was coming to an end. The hue and cry was ridiculous. "Jason doesn't care about liberty any more! Jason is abandoning his principles! If you don't spend all your time talking about politics, you're a sell-out!" However, as you'll see today, it's an absurd insinuation. We never abandoned the message of liberty. We just decided to start promoting it in a way that actually makes a difference. Over the past couple weeks, the Libertarian Party has doubled down on incompetence and self-immolation. I'd say that we hate to say I told you so, but we don't hate it at all. We love it. Meanwhile, the message of this show has been consistent for years. And today we're gonna prove it. Long-time listeners of the show will definitely recognize the voices you'll hear today. You'll recognize the stories too. But you may be surprised to hear the exact same themes that we still discuss every day, even after "abandoning the principles of liberty." Clip 1 - 11/2/15: "It's Not About Shame" Clip 2 - 6/20/17: "The World Economy is Changing. Here's How…" Clip 3 - 9/14/17: "Taxes, Spending, and Toxic Masculinity""

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1137 Trump Taxes Indian Reservations & SCOTUS

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1137 Trump Taxes Indian Reservations & SCOTUS


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Supreme Court has published their opinion on Trump's Taxes. Some are happy some are mad - we'll tell you what the Constitution says. The SCOTUS opinion on the treaty with the Creek Nation may be the great sleeper of 2020. This will have greater and longer lasting impact than anything with Trump's Tax Returns.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

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The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1136 Two Supreme Court Justices Declare They Want To Be God

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1136 Two Supreme Court Justices Declare They Want To Be God


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#SCOTUS published their opinion on two very important cases that effect the essential principles of Separation of Church & State.

KNOW THE FACTS about this & Other important current events
TUNE IN tonight and find out the truth beyond the hype.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles! To JOIN with us just simply Go to and give OR Text- impact2020 to 33777

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The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1135 Rapid Fire Analysis of Current Events, Keystone Oil & SCOTUS

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1135 Rapid Fire Analysis of Current Events, Keystone Oil & SCOTUS


Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

COVID Vaccinations? More Urban Violence? Another Stimulus Check? The only word that describes America today is Orwellian. PLUS a Constitutional review of the Supreme Court & the Keystone Pipeline decision - surely things you WON'T hear in the media.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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The Jason Stapleton Program - Your Country Needs You!

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Your Country Needs You!

"Join my private FB group _____ On today's show, we're taking a romp through history. Right now, the global economy is in the middle of a massive transition. Technological innovation is exploding, and all of our institutions have struggled to keep up with it. The institutions have tried to keep control of society and the systems that connect all of us. But the nature of innovation is that you can't control it. So then all of the turmoil we're seeing today should make sense. It's a natural consequence of people trying to save the old economy. But now it's time for us to embrace the new economy. The future is going to look very different. However, we're already seeing some clues. And, ironically, we must study the past to understand what the future holds. Your future prosperity will depend upon you seeing what's happening and understanding exactly how to proceed. Because the future prosperity of the country hinges on just how many of us take advantage of the opportunities in front of us. True change doesn't start in Washington. So whomever is elected in November won't dictate the success of your future. That's up to you. Today, we'll discuss what the past economy tells us about the future."

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1125 When Did Liberty Stop Being Essential?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1125 When Did Liberty Stop Being Essential?


Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

The Supreme Court, Social Bullying, & The Trump Effect where are we headed in this new normal?

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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Text- impact2020 to 33777

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Books, DVDs and On Demand Seminars by KrisAnne Hall at

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The Jason Stapleton Program - Income Inequality Explained (for Stupid People)

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Income Inequality Explained (for Stupid People)

"Join my private FB group _____ We used to hear the term "income inequality" all the time. Now we haven't heard it in a while. That's because the corporate press has been too busy running cover for literal Marxist riot mobs. But there's another good reason why they haven't talked about it. First of all, you have to understand that income inequality is totally unavoidable. Different people have different abilities, personalities, and desires. So they ultimately generate different incomes. However, nothing makes them more unnaturally unequal than when the Fed prints trillions of dollars. Yet ever since the COVID shutdowns, that's exactly what the Fed has been doing. And now, both the president and various members of Congress are talking about the next "stimulus package." Plus, the LA City Council just passed a $100 MILLION rent relief program. Whenever politicians create "relief" and "stimulus" programs, they always talk about how they're just looking out for the little guy. They act like everyone is just one check away from solving all their problems. Unfortunately, being broke and being poor are two different things. If you give money to broke people, they might use it to change their own lives. But if you just write a check to a poorperson, you've likely enslaved them for life. It's the old "give a man a fish vs teach him to fish" issue. Right now, way too many Americans are poor. And each time that a government program just hands them some money, those people enslave themselves just a little bit more. It's this thing called "moral hazard." And today we'll explain it in such simple terms that even an idiot could understand it!"

The Jason Stapleton Program - The Formula for Freedom in the 21st Century

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

The Formula for Freedom in the 21st Century

"These days, it seems like everybody fancies themselves valiant freedom fighters. They're filling our city streets with protests. They think they're "fighting the power" and "sticking it to the man." But the reality is, they're just revealing their own powerlessness. Freedom isn't something you fight for. It's not something you demand, or beg for, or even die for. Freedom is something you take. It's something you use. And it's always available to you. Lots of people will tell you that you don't have freedom because of some government program, or because of institutionalized racism, or because of welfare cliffs, or because of socialism. But they're wrong. If you don't have freedom, it's because you've chosen not to have freedom. You've enslaved your mind to narratives and systems and ideologies and interests whose lifeblood is your attention. They've persuaded you that your freedom depends upon someone else giving it to you. And you've chosen to believe them. But the funny thing about beliefs is, you can change them whenever you want. In fact, when you change your beliefs, you change your whole world. Opportunities manifest themselves to you. Where before there were closed doors, poverty, and oppression, now there are open doors, wealth, and freedom. You'll realize they were always around you; you just weren't looking for them. If this sounds too woo-woo or too good to be true, it's because you just haven't yet understood the formula for freedom in the modern world. Don't worry: it won't cost you anything but your life. Because freedom's only price is the old toxic beliefs you leave behind when you choose to claim it. When you choose not to identify with your old perspective any longer, all of the old beliefs that made up your identity will fall away from you, and you will experience life as a new person. A free person."

The Jason Stapleton Program - We Live In Interesting Times: How to Profit In a World On Fire

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

We Live In Interesting Times: How to Profit In a World On Fire

"Join my private FB group American cities are on fire. Looters and rioters are burning churches and destroying businesses, big and small. Last night, they even tried to break through the Secret Service and into the White House. President Trump tweeted that the US will be designating ANTIFA as a terrorist organization. Then he escaped into a bunker for the night. The corporate press will tell you that white supremacists have co-opted otherwise innocent protests of police brutality. Some people will tell you this is a deep state plot. Others will say it's more Russian interference. Still others contend that China wants revenge for Trump pulling out of the WHO and lambasting their treatment of Hong Kong. Who knows which story is true? Perhaps all of them are. The one thing they all have in common, though, is that they're all about one thing: power. We're witnessing the collapse of the American empire. When empires collapse, they splinter. We know this from studying history. Power struggles crop up everywhere as everyone jockeys for their cut of the spoils. Lots of people will preach doom and gloom to you. Fear reigns supreme. There's no doubt that we live in interesting times. But there's no reason for fear; fearful people are easily controlled. Those who seek will find. And those who put aside the distractions and focus on controlling their own lives will find the opportunities they seek. The opportunities are abundant. You just have to start looking for them. All will be well."

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Episode 1105 Liberty in Jeopardy - Mandatory Vaccinations

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen!

Episode 1105 Liberty in Jeopardy - Mandatory Vaccinations


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Get an update on KrisAnne & JC's teaching tour in California. Learn about the new (old?) threat to two of the longest recognized essential rights of the people.

Always bringing you current events from an historical, constitutional, and principled perspective.

Ensure this Excellent Constitution Training Continues! Partner with The KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal and be a part of the force that will restore Americans with their Constitutional Principles!
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