The Jason Stapleton Program - 753: Jeffrey Tucker in Studio to Talk Bitcoin, Facebook, and Trump

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

753: Jeffrey Tucker in Studio to Talk Bitcoin, Facebook, and Trump
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I haven't Jeffrey in a few years, and it was so great to have him in the studio today.

Jeffrey is a WEALTH of knowledge on everything from Bitcoin to foreign policy, and I always learn something after talking with him.

Today we cover a variety of issues ranging from the future of Bitcoin to Trump's economic, foreign policy. I know you're going to get a lot out of it.

You can find out more about Jeffrey by visiting the American Institute for Economic Research or at his site


The Jason Stapleton Program - 752: Warships from Russia and the US Put to Sea as Tensions Mount

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

752: Warships from Russia and the US Put to Sea as Tensions Mount
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The USS Truman carrier strike group with a complement of 7 warships has set sail for Syria. Although it will take them a couple of weeks to get there, the movement has already initiated a response.

Russia has deployed 11 battleships out of the port in Syria for what they are claiming are "military training exercises." Of course, this is nonsense.

But what will the carrier group do when they get to Syria? Will Trump launch an attack? Prime Minister Theresa May has already said publicly they require more evidence (read ANY evidence) that a chemical attack took place while the Russias are claiming they are already on the ground and found no evidence an attack took place.

In a den of thieves and liars, who's telling the truth? Probably none of them. You certainly don't want to trust any of them.

Is the dollar headed for collapse? Jim Rickards thinks so. I'll tell you what I think in the back half of today's show.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 750: US Claims Assad Again Used Chemical Weapons. Where's the Proof?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

750: US Claims Assad Again Used Chemical Weapons. Where's the Proof?
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If you remember, back in February, on this very show I reported on a little-known statement by Secretary of Defense Mattis that the US had "no evidence" Assad used chemical weapons against his people.

That didn't stop them from launching an attack on a Syrian airbase just after Trump took office.

Today we find out the US is again accusing Assad of using chemical weapons and again has no evidence to back it up.

Apparently, there was an attack on a rebel-controlled area of Syria as Assad works to root out the last vestiges of resistance, but there appear to be no evidence the attack used chemical weapons.

Even Fox News is being cautious, referring to an "alleged chemical attack."

And let us not forget, this accusation comes on the heels of a meeting between Turkey, Iran, and Russia over how best to stabilize Syria.

From the beginning, the US has been anything but a good faith actor, and this latest accusation is far too convenient to dismiss out of hand.


Using reflective window film for home privacy part 2



This is a follow up post to my previous one on installing privacy film on windows and glass doors on your house for added security / privacy and even to help save some money on cooling in the summer. 

Here is an easy way to increase home privacy or even security with only spending minimal amount of money. Have you seen those buildings that the windows look like mirrors, well they are essentially a mirror known as a 1 way mirror. You can buy the film from amazon  at - It comes in different darknesses to which is the amount of light that it lets in. The lower the number the less light that it lets in and gives the tint effect. The way that a one way mirror works is that which ever side has the most light will have the mirror effect and the other side will be translucent so that you can see out but they cannot see in. I was able to install this by myself on my office window and my patio door window. 


For a extra dark tint you would use the S05 -

For a dark tint you would use the S15  -

For a medium tint you would use the S35 -

Below I have a video of me installing the window film in my office. It is a bit of a long video, but it is detailed to how to do this. I will also have another one soon on me comparing the extra dark vs the dark tint. 

You co not need any special tools or formulas to install this. All you need are the included tools, a generic spray bottle and some generic liquid dish soap

 See the video below on how I did this.


Using reflective window film for extra privacy


Here is an easy way to increase home privacy or even security with only spending minimal amount of money. Have you seen those buildings that the windows look like mirrors, well they are essentially a mirror known as a 1 way mirror. You can buy the film from amazon  at - It comes in different darknesses to which is the amount of light that it lets in. The lower the number the less light that it lets in and gives the tint effect. The way that a one way mirror works is that which ever side has the most light will have the mirror effect and the other side will be translucent so that you can see out but they cannot see in. I was able to install this by myself on my office window and my patio door window. 


For a extra dark tint you would use the S05 -

For a dark tint you would use the S15  -

For a medium tint you would use the S35 -

Below I have a video of me installing the window film in my office. It is a bit of a long video, but it is detailed to how to do this. I will also have another one soon on me comparing the extra dark vs the dark tint. 

 If you install this on windows that have sunlight directly coming into them, this can help keep your house cooler in the summer months. 


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Analyzing the Threat of Invasion

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Analyzing the Threat of Invasion

"Analyzing the Threat of Invasion04/07/2018 -

KrisAnne and JC look at the most striking current events this week, not from a media perspective, but from a Constitutional and factual perspective. Time to be a check and balance on media and politics with truth!

The post Analyzing the Threat of Invasion appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 holster - unboxing


I just received this holster in the mail a few days ago and I thought it would be a good time to do a short video on unboxing it to get some inital reactions of this new holster. Alien Gear has come out with a newer version of their cloak tuck line holsters which seems to mergeparts of the cloak tuck 3.0 technology with some of the great benefits that the Alien Gear shapeshift holster has.

Some initial reactions to this new holster is that the hardware to move the clips to different posistions is no longer needed as well as the screws and spacers for those as they now use the locking style clips from the shapeshift holster, which is a very nice additions. The padding on the cloak tuck 3.5 is also a lot thicker than it was in the 3.0 line for added comfort and the neoprene backer seems to be thicker.

Since the clips for this holster use the same locking technology that the shapeshift holsters use, if you already have extra clips for the shapeshift holsteryou can use them with this holster as well, to which can save you some money.

If you are just looking at buying this holster, I would suggest purchasing the extra clips to save money on shipping. They do now have clips that can aidin the concealment so that it is harder to see that you are carrying, which is a very nice addition.

I will be doing a follow up review of this holster after I have carried it with me every day for at least a month. I will also do a follow up review after a yearto see what my thoughts of it are.

The cloak tuck 3.5 holster can be purchased from Alien Gear at


Watch this video on YouTube -

Watch this video on Daily Motion -

The Jason Stapleton Program - 749: Get Ready for an All-Out Trade War

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

749: Get Ready for an All-Out Trade War
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If you've been listening to this show for the past few months, yesterdays announcement did not come as a surprise.

Let's review the history...

- Trump decides to impose $50 Billion in tariffs as retaliation against Chinese intellectual property theft.

- China immediately responds with $50 Billion of new tariffs on US goods including soybeans and cars.

- Trump responds by asking for an additional 100 Billion in tariffs on Chinese goods.

So what's next? Well, you can expect China to respond in kind. America has no leverage. It's the reason none of the tariffs have gone into effect yet. China knows this. The question is, who's going to blink first?

If nobody blinks, we'll be looking at an all-out trade war, and both parties are doing a lot of saber-rattling.

Did you know there is a real person who was raised by wolves? I had no idea. I found the story interesting and since it's Friday I thought I'd share it with you.

Finally, The DJI is off almost 600 points as of this writing and Trump thinks all this pain will be good for us. Let's hope he's right.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 748: Trump Builds "Coalition" Against China

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

748: Trump Builds "Coalition" Against China
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It appears Trump realizes the error of taking on China alone, so he's working to assemble a coalition of nations to fight his trade war with him.

Larry Kudlow is out carrying the president's water, making the case that this is all China's fault for abusing the US for years.

It doesn't matter who's to blame, the one thing you can be sure of is this war will hurt everyone. Remember, nobody wins a trade war.

As I've discussed recently on the show, Putin has been shoring up his relationships with American adversaries. Most recently with China. Now, he's sidling up to Turkey and Iran.

The goal is to solidify ties between the three nations to exert influence over Syria and the Middle East.

While America is making enemies of friends, Russia is doing the opposite.





The Jason Stapleton Program - 747: Why the DMV Sucks: A case for Free Market Competition

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

747: Why the DMV Sucks: A case for Free Market Competition
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It's not hard to tell what today's show is going to be about. I happened to go to the DMV yesterday to get a new Drives License. It turns out; I didn't even make it in the door. The line was down around the block at 3 in the afternoon.

No private company would survive if it treated it's customers the way the DMV treats its citizens. It's pathetic and the perfect example of what a government protected monopoly looks like.

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