The Jason Stapleton Program - 726: North Korea Announces Plans to Drop It's Nuke Program

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

726: North Korea Announces Plans to Drop It's Nuke Program
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You know, I've spoken a lot about North Korea and my belief that they are "rational actors" and not a crazy rouge nation. But for a moment today, I called that belief into question.

Lucky for me I quickly realized I am (of course) right. (was there ever any doubt)

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I haven't figured out the WHY yet, but I know North Korea will not be giving up its nuclear program. To do so now ould mean repeating the mistakes of other countries who capitulated to US pressure and ended up devastated.

North Korea MUST continue down its current path if it has any hope of long-term survival.

Early voting for Texas is in, and it's not looking good for Republicans. It turns out my suspicions about Trump and Republican prospects this year were correct yet again! (don't doubt me)

Finally, Twitter has apparently been censoring Pro-Life Tweets. This is something they can do. It's their platform. But they should be mindful of the fact that they have created a platform for people to exercise a 1st amendment right. If they choose to down this path they may find people lose faith in their service especially considering how fickled the American consumer can be.




The Jason Stapleton Program - 725: Oscar Night, Diversity and Our Changing World

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

725: Oscar Night, Diversity and Our Changing World
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The KrisAnne Hall Show - Is Communism Coming to America?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Is Communism Coming to America?

"Is Communism Coming to America?03/03/2018 -

Get PDF As former military Russian linguists we have personal experience studying and working with Russians who lived through the communist regime.  Let’s compare their experiences with what we see happening in America today.  This is a very eerie and hopefully eye opening comparison. Alternatively you can listen to “Is Communism Coming to America?” by […]

The post Is Communism Coming to America? appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 724: Trumps Tariffs and the Risk of a Financial Meltdown

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

724: Trumps Tariffs and the Risk of a Financial Meltdown
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Yesterday I briefly mentioned the Trump Tariffs and the risk it might pose to our economy, but today I want to do a full deep dive and look at some historical evidence that suggests we may be looking at a very serious economic collapse if other nations respond in kind to the Trump tariffs.

But before that, I want to rehash something we discussed yesterday.

I think some of you may have misunderstood what I meant when I suggested a Gun Violence Restraining Order might be a good way to reduce gun violence.

It was suggested in the private facebook group that this might violate someone's due process so today I want to clarify, so there's no question.

Have a great weekend!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 723: Rent Control, and it's Effects on Housing and the Homeless

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

723: Rent Control, and it's Effects on Housing and the Homeless
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Yesterday Lindsey made mention of the homeless problem we have here in LA. She's right. I love Venice. (a beach town suburb of LA) It's hippie vibe with mom and pop shops, and great restaurants are a throwback to old-school SOCAL, but it also has one of the worst homeless populations in the greater LA area.

And it's not just Venice. Los Angeles has a severe homelessness issue. It's estimated around 60k people are living in LA without a home.

Why is this? Yes, the cost of living is high, but the cost of living is high in a lot of places. And yes, we have a mental health and opioid epidemic in America today, but that exists in every major city in the U.S.

Today I want to talk about what I think are the two biggest contributing factors to the homeless epidemic in LA. Once you understand both you'll have a clearer picture of how to solve the problem, not just in Los Angeles but in any other major city in America.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 721: The End of Obamacare is in Sight. The Free Market Will Win

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

721: The End of Obamacare is in Sight. The Free Market Will Win
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Idaho is laying the groundwork to wrestle way the insurance market from the stranglehold Obamacare has had on it.

Thanks to Congress finally ending the individual mandate requiring you to purchase insurance, the Governor of Idaho was able to loosen restrictions on insurance companies allowing them to come up with more creative, low-cost ways to provide insurance.

What this means is more options with plans that offer fewer benefits but at a significantly reduced price.

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EURIKA! There is actually a way to have a plan to fit any budget. Amazing how well a free market can address most any problem.

In other news the President has announced he's running for reelection in 2020, going to far as to announce his campaign manager.

If you smell a massive marketing strategy here, you're right. The Republicans are in trouble this year, and I think the president is attempting to revive the fervor surrounding his campaign by announcing his intention to run early.

Despite how you or I might feel about the president he is still very well liked by the Republican base, and his popularity continues to grow. (he has nearly a 50% approval rating)

2018 is going to be an exciting election year. Some seats are going to change hands, and we may even see the Republicans lose the Senate.

Only time will tell.



The KrisAnne Hall Show - Guns Collusion & The Supreme Court:

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Guns Collusion & The Supreme Court:

"Guns Collusion & The Supreme Court:02/24/2018 -

Get PDF Today we show you the huge Supreme Court decision against our rights last week; the REAL Russian collusion that has taken over DC not the ballot box; and the new gun arguments that are not happening because the real collusion is the media and the progressive destruction of America. Alternatively you can listen […]

The post Guns Collusion & The Supreme Court: appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 719: Trump at CPAC and Rick Gates Pleads Guilty

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

719: Trump at CPAC and Rick Gates Pleads Guilty
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I like CPAC, I really do. But some of the blind support it fosters is downright scary.

Take Trump for example. The man is one of the worst public speakers I've ever heard. I couldn't even stand to sit a listen to his entire speech. Yet throw in a line about guns here and one about Israel there, and he's got the crowd eating out of his hands.

I've got some clips to run through the highlights of his speech. They were few and far between, but I'll do my best.

This is the kind of day I find the news a tad unmotivating. It's tough to get excited about commenting on a bad speech. But I'll give it my best shot.

In other news, Rick Gates will plead guilty to a couple of different charges in exchange for information about fellow conspirator Paul Manifort. Some in the media would have you believe this is all related to Trump and the Russia investigation into his dealings with them but it's not. I'll explain today.

Enjoy your weekend and if you would be willing to support the show you can do so here:



The Jason Stapleton Program - 717: The Student Walkout and a Case for Free Speech

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

717: The Student Walkout and a Case for Free Speech
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As the gun debate rages in America students are walking out of class in protest of the gun violence experienced in Florida.

Now, I don't know if these kids understand the issues or if their protests will ever amount to anything but I do know that we have a very rare right in this country and that is the right to peacefully protest your government.

So I ask you the question, "How should we treat these young people?" Should we criticize them? Punish them or support them?

I'll discuss on today's show.

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The Jason Stapleton Program - 715: What is a Libertarian?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

715: What is a Libertarian?


I get the question a lot. And it's not just about defining libertarianism. For me, it's just as important to understand what we should be doing as libertarians if we want to have the kind of impact we want on government and society.

Today I'll share a nice 50k foot view of what libertarianism is and how you can advance the principles we all believe in.

Is there such a thing as common sense gun regulation? Probably not but I've found what I think is a pretty common sense way of dealing with people who pose a real and immediate threat to others.

More on that today.

Enjoy the show and don't forget to share!



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