The Jason Stapleton Program - 701: Too Many Wars - The New American Empire

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

701: Too Many Wars - The New American Empire


Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Somolia....

These are but a few of the places we are currently fighting outright wars or proxy wars. There are dozens of other countries where we have troops, equipment or money flowing in and out to exert influence and determine outcomes.

America has truly achieved Empire status. Seeking to affect or outright control every decision or outcome in the world today.

Like all great empires, we stretch ourselves too thin, overtax our people, neglect the principles and ideas that made us great and take on debt at a rate far exceeding our ability to pay.

It's not too late. We are not too far gone, but if we want to avoid the future that lays before us we MUST return to those ideas that made us the greatest nation on earth.

Limited Government, Peace, Tolerance and Free Markets.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 700: Stockton Tests the Universal Basic Income

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

700: Stockton Tests the Universal Basic Income


The Universal basic income is a popular idea these days, and the truth is IF you could get rid of the entire welfare system and replace it with a UBI I'd probably get behind it. Not because I want a welfare state but simply because it would take power away from the state by dramatically reducing the size and control the government had over people's lives.

Stockton is testing the UBI on a few dozen of its citizens, but it's not going to get the result it wants because it's not running a true test.

Stockton plans to give a few dozen of its citizens $500, no strings attached. How is that a basic income? Nobody can live on $500 a month, in fact, 500 bucks aren't going to make any real difference in anyone's lives.

If you want a real test give them $2,000 and see what happens. Se how many people quit their minimum wage job and start living off the state.

See how many young people decided not to get that entry level job where they learn the skills that will serve them throughout their working lives.

See how many people lose their sense of self-worth as resign themselves to an unfulfilling life.

The UBI is not a good idea. Like most government programs it will not have the desired effect of providing security. It will, however, make more people dependent on the government for its basic needs and I think that is perhaps the ultimate goal.



The KrisAnne Hall Show - The Cuban Experience

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

The Cuban Experience

"The Cuban Experience01/27/2018 -

Listen as JC and I tell how he almost died in Cuba and how he was able to get back home to the United States. Alternatively you can listen to “The Cuban Experience” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

The post The Cuban Experience appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 699: There's no Stopping the Automation Age

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

699: There's no Stopping the Automation Age


The Teamsters are trying to negotiate a deal with UPS on behalf of their drivers to ensure UPS doesn't use autonomous cars or delivery services as it moves to cut cost and increase efficiency.

I have no problem morally with unions, but this is one of the main reasons I don't like them. You see it doesn't matter if UPS starts using drones or driverless cars or not. If they don't FedEx will. If FedEx doesn't do it DHL will and if none of them do AMAZON will!

You can't escape progress and technological advancements. All you can do is make yourself less competitive.

If you're in an industry that's facing technological advancements that will put you out of a job you need to learn some new skills.

You could start by taking my trading and investing course. I've got a discount going right now that will save you 50%, but the offer ends soon.

Don't run from reality. Embrace it and learn to thrive in it!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 697: The Quickest Way to Lose a Trillion Dollars

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

697: The Quickest Way to Lose a Trillion Dollars


Apparently, if you want to watch a trillion dollars vaporize in 2018 all that's required is a 1% rise in interest rates.

No, I'm not kidding you. It's science. (thanks, Ron Burgandy)

They can actually calculate what a 1% rise in interest rates will mean to the value of bonds, and it turns out to be a loss of 1.2 billion dollars.

I've been warning for a long time that the next great crash will probably originate in the bond market. Rapidly rising interest rates due to a lack of confidence or the need to stave off inflation would crush the economy due to the massive number of leveraged bondholders.

It's something to keep an eye on as you plan for the future.

"Secret Society". That's the big buzz word today. Republicans say they have text messages as well as a whistleblower that confirms a group of people at DOJ and the FBI met off-site after Donald Trump was elected president, presumably to discuss how to damage his agenda and reputation.

How much of this is true? We don't know because we don't have the text messages or the whistleblower to corroborate what the Republicans are saying. From what I can tell the story is a bit overblown and I'll explain on today's show.

What holds you back from success? Is it the government? Is it high taxes, regulation...or is it your own limiting beliefs about what's holding you back?

I've got a stack of stories covering the bonuses, pay raises, and stock options companies are handing out to their employee's thanks to the recent tax cut.

But the more I read, the more frustrated I get because I have the sense people are focused on the wrong things.

Today I'll give you what I hope is some motivation to throw off your old beliefs and challenge yourself to achieve more this year.

Have a great Day!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 696: We got a problem

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

696: We got a problem


It turns out retail investors are sitting on less cash than they ever. That means the majority of their money is invested and NOT sitting on the sidelines.

And can you blame them?

The market just continues to climb. Everyone is suggesting it's going to go higher. Sure, there are a few voices on the outside suggesting we might be running hot, or even headed for a disaster but in a world where yield is scarce what else you can do?

You stay invested, you invest more. It's the blind leading the blind right now, but I'm reminded of some very sage advice I got when I was learning to trade.

"When the retail money shows up, it's time to get out."

What that means is, when uneducated money is the fuel for a stock, sector or market it's time for you to look for an exit because that's what all the smart money is doing.

How do we know the smart money from the dumb money? That's the catch. You only find out after the market corrects.

I'm not saying get out; I'm not saying stay in. What I'm saying is this market is no longer running on sound fundamentals, and the stupidest investors on earth have the bulk of their wealth invested. If that doesn't give you pause, I don't know what will.

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What would happen if robots took over everything? Would we create a two-tiered society of have and have-nots? Would we see massive unemployment as entire industries are replaced with AI robots?

Answer a simple question for me...

WHEN in history has an increase in technology and production lead to an overall decline in a societies standard of living?

Even if you look at war and the massive increased in the technology used for violence, the overall result has been a decrease in casualties due to the discriminating nature of the tools of war now being utilized.

It's silly to think our lives will be diminished with the advancement of AI. Jobs will be lost, that's a given, but there will always be a place for humanity to provide value and meaning to themselves and others if they only seek to find it.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 695: FISA Abuses, Government Shutdowns, and Rogue Asteroids?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

695: FISA Abuses, Government Shutdowns, and Rogue Asteroids?


Yeah, that last one got me too. It appears that in an attempt to make the shutdown sound as bad as humanly possible CNN may have overstepped in it's reporting when it suggested an asteroid might strike earth while NASA's program to monitor the sky was on hold.

I question the need for the program at all given the fact that there's nothing you can do about it if a gigantic rock decided to crash into earth. Better to just live in blissful ignorance.

We're also talking FISA and the memo floating around claiming widespread abuses. What I find funny is CNN again decided to refute the claims by bringing on disgraced Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to claim he knew of no abuses while serving as DNI.

Luckily he's not under oath this time, so when the truth comes out, he won't be eligible for another purgery charge.

Finally, we'll turn to California where a couple of economically illiterate assemblymen want a new 10% tax on any business that nets over a million dollars a year.

You'd think people would learn from the mistakes of the past, so they don't repeat them, but most of the politicians I've known seem to live in a kind of reality denial that allows them to support and promote the most ridiculous ideas for the sake of their ideology.

Enjoy the Show!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 693: Tieing Venezuela to Bitcoin and US Bond Prices

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

693: Tieing Venezuela to Bitcoin and US Bond Prices


As you know, we don't do anything in a vacuum here. All the news I discuss is carried forward from day to day, and on this episode, I've got a lot to share.

As you know, Venezuela is in turmoil. They are in the final throws of economic collapse brought on by socialist policies run amuck.

But how much of Venezuela's problems is America facing? We'll discuss today.

I'm currently offering a $100 Discount on my Online Business Kickstarter Course. If you've ever wanted to start an online business, this course will get you there.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 692: Government Shutdown, North Korea and Poverty in America

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

692: Government Shutdown, North Korea and Poverty in America


Apparently, a clean bill of health from the president's doctor isn't enough to stop CNN from questioning, among other things, his calcium count.

Can I just anyone shocked that the 71-year-old narcissist president doesn't have a SINGLE medical issue? I guess it's possible but come on. LOL

All that said, CNN is no longer legitimate news. It's embarrassing to watch.

Want to take the first step to starting an online business? Check out my Online Business Kickstarter Program.

Let's talk government shutdown. Is it going to happen? I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

Logic might dictate that the Democrats would get shackled with the backlash from a shutdown resulting from their unwillingness to negotiate a short-term stop-gap but if you think that, you'd be wrong.

No, this time the shutdown is happening because the president rejected a deal he said he would accept and Democrats "care" too much about the "children" to allow a funding bill to go through without DACA.

More tough talk over North Korea. This time it's Senator Ted Cruz who said, "It's time for North Korea to fear what America will do next."

But there is one shining light from congresswoman Tusi Gabbard who gave a very clear rationale for North Koreas actions. I'll play you the clip on today's show.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 691: Stocks, BTC and the Emerging Trade War With China

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

691: Stocks, BTC and the Emerging Trade War With China


The Stock market gapped up to nearly 26,000 today and briefly spiked above it before retreating. As of this writing, we're resting near yesterdays close.

It's a bad sign (when the market gaps and retreats like that). It's a signal a retracement is coming.

More and more people are starting to sound warning bells about the euphoria in the market, but nobody wants to miss the upside.

If you need an example of this, you can look at bitcoin. I don't like it as an investment due to the high volatility, but my warnings of an impending disaster have been met with an explosion in the price of the aspiring currency.

If you're a fund manager, you can't afford to be out of this market even if you think the wheels are coming off because if you're early, even by a little, you'll miss earnings and your investors will bail.

It's a big problem on Wallstreet. Nobody wants to be the first one out. Everyone rides the wave until the recession hits and when the dive happens, you just hope you lose a little less than everyone else.

I've always said no one cares more about your money than you do and if you want to really control your financial destiny, you need to understand what is happening with your investments.

We're also going to discuss the potential Trade war with China as the US seeks to impose new tariffs and quotas on Chinese imports.

There's a lot of different concerns when it comes to tariffs, but I thought I'd spend a little time discussing the issue in detail.


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Register to attend the San Diego Libertarian Party Convention next week where I'll be keynoting.


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