The Jason Stapleton Program - 690: Trump, DACA and the Cluster in Washington

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

690: Trump, DACA and the Cluster in Washington



Lots of people screaming about the president's comments over immigrants from "shithole" countries.

Truth is this entire debate is about using young as political pawns in a game to get more money and more "stuff".

Frankly, I don't have any respect for someone who would do that or the group of men providing cover for the president as he does it.

This is my first show from the new studio in LA, and I'd love to tell you it was a barn burner but there were a lot of moving pieces. All I can say is, the show is going to ROCK this year.

Finally, before I let you go I wanted to let you know that I will be the keynote speaker at the San Diego Libertarian Party Convention on January 27th. I'm going to put together a meetup for anyone who wants to attend.

Here are the details:

Until Tomorrow,



The KrisAnne Hall Show - Trump: DACA FISA and Haiti

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Trump: DACA FISA and Haiti

Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

"Trump: DACA FISA and Haiti01/13/2018 -

Once again what you are hearing in politics and media is not the Constitutional conversation.  Let’s get the facts so we can speak constitutional truth about DACA FISA Haiti and the FBI. Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube Show Links and References  FISA Vote in the House […]

The post Trump: DACA FISA and Haiti appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


Alien Gear Gun Belt follow up review

Today I am going to review the Alien Gear Gun Belt, to which works nicely with the Alien Gear Gun Holster (see my review at -

At the bottom I have a video of my year and a half review of the gun belts. 



 Watch this video on D.Tube -

These belts are big, they are thick and they are sturdy. The hardware on them is very nicely made and it definately has a feeling of actual metal and not some chrome finished fake metal stuff that you usually find on belts. 

These are not your typical belts that you can find at the local store, they are much more than that. They have a steel core in the middle, which is sewn between 2 slabs of thick sturdy leather. Even if you do not have a gun to carry, but you want a nice thick sturdy belt, these are the way to go s they will get the job done and then some. 

I put this belt up to the test with my holster with a gun in it and 2 other belts and the other belts were twisting really bad compared to this one. There was some twist in the Gun Belt, but nothing compared to the twist of the other ones. The 2 other ones that I had used were not belts out of the bargain bag from the store either. 


I bought 2 of the belts with the holster deal back in August of 2016 and I wear them quite often. With most belts that I have owned, they start to stretch out after a few months of wearing them, especially if you carry a gun with you and you dont want your pants sagging down. With this gun belt, I have not noticed any stretching at all, possiblly due to the steel core and the 2 thick slabs of leather that is sewn on both sides of the steel core. 

I feel that these belts are definately worth the money. 

Just wanted to state, since I did not in the video that I am not getting paid by Alien Gear for this review. They just make a good product and wanted to do a review on it. 

I was going to provide a link to the gun belts here, but I was not able to find a link to the gun belts on their website, so I contacted them to find out if they even make them anymore. I had found out that they do not and this was the reply that I had received. 

"It is true that we are no longer making the gun belts. We were helping Bigfoot Gun Belts get their brand off the ground and now they have fully taken over the belt line. Bigfoot is our sister company and they make the exact same belts that we used to manufacture with just a different logo.

 You can reach Bigfoot Gun Belts at or by calling 208-209-7321."

Here is a video of my review.


Gluten Free, Low Carb, Keto Friendly, Banana Cream Pie


Prepare a pie crust.
Add the cream, xantham gum and the into a pot and mix it up. Keep it on the burner on medium heat just to the point before it starts to boil, while stirring frequently
Take some of the cream out of the pot and add it into the bowl with the egg yolks, and then mix the hot cream with the egg yolks to temper them.
Once the yolk mixture has been tempered, add it to the pot with the cream. Turn the heat down on the pot and keep stirring until it thickens.
To see if it is thick enough add a rubber scraper to the cream mixture and then take it out and run your finger across. When the line you ran
with your finger stays, then it should be thick enough. Add in the vanilla, banana extract and the butter to the hot cream mixture.
At this point you can either add the pudding mixture into the pie crust and chill, or you can add the mixture to your pie crust and bake it in the oven
for 15 - 20 minutes to thicken it up some more.
Place the pie in the fridge for a few hours to chill.

Top with whipped cream if desired.


Below is a video of this. 

 Watch this video on Dailymotion -

 Watch this video on DTube -

 Watch this video on YouTube -



The Jason Stapleton Program - 690: Looking to 2018 and Beyond

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

690: Looking to 2018 and Beyond


This is the last week to get a discount on my new Podcast Domination Course.

Sign up here:



The Jason Stapleton Program - 689: IMF Calls for a Cashless Society

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

689: IMF Calls for a Cashless Society


We've talked about this before on the show, but it's been so long I thought it would be a good idea to revisit it today.

The government wants power and to have power they need control. They use central banks to control your money and if they get their way they will use those banks to prevent you from ever having the freedom to use that money without their knowledge.

A lot of people dismissed this as conspiracy theory, but like many of the conspiracies we've outlined on the show, this one isn't a theory at all. It's a fact.

But what would a cashless society mean to you, your money and your life? Would it really be all that bad? Tune in today to find out.


P.S. This is the last week to get a 50% discount on my New Podcast Domination Course. You can sign up here:


Gluten Free, Low Carb, Keto Friendly, Greek Stuffed Slowcooker Chicken


With winter here it is nice to make use of the slow cookers so at the end of the day you come home to a nice warm cooked meal that only takes a small amount of time to finsh. 

This is a good one especially if you like a greek inspired dish that has feta cheese and artichoke hearts in it. 

This delicious meal only takes 4 hours to cook in the slow cooker and it can be prepped the night before. 

This recipe does make use of some Chicken or Turkey stock. I do have a recipe on how to make this if you wanted to make your own stock. 





Take the feta, green peppers, black olives and the artichoke hearts and chop it up into little chunks (unless you purchased the crumbled feta) and place into a large bowl.
Take the oregano, garlic powder, olives, spinach and the artichoke hearts and mix them in the bowl.
Take the chicken butterfly them to create a little pocket to stuff the mixture into. Spoon some of the mixture into the pocket that you created.
Repeat for the rest of the chicken breasts. Take your slow cooker and add a liner if you want, add the chicken stock to the bottom of the slow cooker and then place each of the stuffed chicken breasts
into your slow cooker.
Cook on low for 4 hours.


Below is a video of this. 

Watch this video on Dailymotion -

Watch this video on DTube -

Watch this video on YouTube -


How to insert and replace the battery on a XBOX 360 Top Shot Sport Gun

How to insert and replace the batteries on the Top Shot SPort Gun



I bought this XBOX 360 accessory for my nephew for Christmas off of Facebook, but it did not come with instructions. I treid to seach online for directions on where the batteries go in the event that they die, but I could not find anything. 

If you pull the hammer back, you can easily expose the battery compartment. 

Below is a short video (for the life of me I could not think of what the name of the hammer was for some reason)

So far this Top Shot Sport Gun seems to be pretty neat

Watch the video on Dailymotion -

Watch the video on DTube -

Watch the video on YouTube -




The KrisAnne Hall Show - On the Sea, On the Land: Feds Declare “No Constitution”

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

On the Sea, On the Land: Feds Declare “No Constitution”

Alternatively you can listen to this  edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

"On the Sea, On the Land: Feds Declare “No Constitution”12/09/2017 -

Our Federal Government is making a bold step to expand the safety of all Americans, by declaring the Constitution doesn’t apply to the enforcement of federal laws, on the sea or on the land. Alternatively you can listen to this  edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

The post On the Sea, On the Land: Feds Declare “No Constitution” appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 683: Jason Unloads on the Bitcoin Fanatics

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

683: Jason Unloads on the Bitcoin Fanatics


I've got to talk about bitcoin. Over the last year or so I've been warning you that bitcoin was a massive disaster waiting to happen while at the same time promoting the idea of an independent currency that isn't susceptible to government and central bank monetary meddling.

For my honest and frank discussion of the risks involved and my warnings to novice traders and investors to proceed with caution, I have been excoriated by those who seek to promote the false narrative that the climb in bitcoin is natural and deserved.

Even yesterday I received a comment on Twitter from a listener who said the following:

"You say you disagree with inflation, quantitative easing, and fractional reserve banking. Yet you consistently mock Bitcoin. Bitcoin a free market currency outside the manipulation of banks and governments. Stop looking through the prism of a Forex trader. Ask why Bitcoin exist."

First, I don't mock bitcoin. I mock the mindless hordes who fall victim to the greed and euphoria that has plagued traders and investors for hundreds of years. The fact that this commenter can't see it or even respect the fact that I am cautious should give you some insight into just how far gone many apologists are.

Second, this listener isn't even correct. Bitcoin isn't outside the manipulation of banks and governments. It simply isn't susceptible to inflationary risks caused by central bank meddling.

Any industrialized country in the world could crush bitcoin tomorrow by taking any number of authoritarian actions. Think it can't happen? Just wait.

Most likely what they will do is regulate it out of existence. Whatever they decide to do with this new form of exchange one thing is the government is going to allow for an independent monetary system outside of their control.

Right now bitcoin is safe since it's not being used as a means of exchange as much as it is a savings mechanism.

That will end when the bottom falls out, and bitcoin has its apocalyptic moment.

I'll share some of my reasons behind why I think this will happen to bitcoin on the show today but you need to understand the risks you run when investing in cryptocurrencies. It is not a sure thing. Not by a long shot.



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