Gluten Free, Low Carb, Keto Friendly, Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole





Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole


  • 1 - 2 lbs of cauliflower florets (frozen cauliflower can most times be cheaper than buying a head of cauliflower)
  • 1 lb of bacon (optional)
  • 8 ounces of cream cheese
  • 1 cup of heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup of mayo of your choice
  • 1 packet of hidden valley ranch seasoning or 1 ounce of your own mixture of ranch dressing seasoning.(Some alternatives - Moms's or Walden Farms)
  •  2 - 3 chicken breasts

Pre-Cook the chicken
Add the cauliflower florets into a 9x13 pan, drizzle with a little bit of olive oil or butter, and bake in the oven at 350 for 15 minutes if the cauliflower is thawed. If frozen, place in the oven for 30 minutes. While the cauliflower is cooking, this is a good time to cook the bacon in the oven as well.
While the cauliflower and bacon is cooking in a mixing bowl add the softened cream cheese, mayo, heavy whipping cream and ranch seasoning to the bowl and using an imersion blender or a hand blender mix well.
Cut the chicken into bite size pieces and place into another mixing bowl.
Add the bacon (if you want) and the cauliflower the bowl with the chicken.
Take the ranch dressing and add that to the bowl with the chicken mixture.
Mix well to coat.
Add to a 9x13 pan and cook in the oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.


Below is a video of this being done. 

Watch this video on Dailymotion -

Watch this video on DTube -

Watch this video on YouTube -


The Jason Stapleton Program - 680: Trump, Jerusalem and a Private Spy Army

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

680: Trump, Jerusalem and a Private Spy Army


It's got all the makings of a great story, and I don't aim to disappoint today.

The big news today is about the president's decision to delay moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

Well, that's not entirely true...

The truth is, Congress passed a bill in 1995 calling Jerusalem the capital city of Isreal and ordering the embassy be moved there. But the built-in delay prevision has allowed every president since Clinton to push off implementing the bill.

Now it's in front of Trump who stated in a campaign pledge that he would move the embassy. The problem is, world leaders are blowing up his phone like a jealous girlfriend trying to convince him not to do it.

The Intercept is reporting that the president it entertaining the idea of starting a private intelligence army similar to the CIA that would report directly to him.

The article is weak on evidence but the site several sources inside the intelligence community that claim a first-hand account of the proposal.

I want to discuss the possible pros and cons of a program like that and give you my thoughts.

Don't forget to share the show!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 679: Can You Charge the President With Obstruction of Justice?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

679: Can You Charge the President With Obstruction of Justice?


It's an interesting legal question. The president is in charge of the Justice Department, and the FBI falls under that department. So, can the president be charged with obstructing justice when he has the authority to decide what will be investigated and what won't AND had the right to remove the heads of those departments for not following his instructions?

I'll let you listen to today's episode to find out my answer. :-)

CVS Pharmacy has announced a deal to buy Aetna for $69 billion dollars in a move that will likely bring better healthcare services, lower prices and reduced insurance costs to millions. So why would anyone be against a deal like this? One word...ignorance.

The theory is it creates an unfair advantage for CVS which will no doubt achieve its goal of better service at a lower price. This is bad thing apparently IF it happens to the detriment of competition.

I'll explain why they're wrong and I'm right on the show today.

Finally, more evidence China is heading toward the biggest real estate collapse the world has ever seen. Get ready to have your mind blown.

It's good to be back! Don't forget to share the show!



The KrisAnne Hall Show - Congress Acting As Spoiled Children

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Congress Acting As Spoiled Children

"Congress Acting As Spoiled Children12/02/2017 -

Today is such a great show, nailing down the real issues and the sources in federal problems. 1. Congress confusing the standard, 2. Trump, is he executing the laws or executing ideology, 3. States breaking laws And so much more! So much information, so much fun, I bet Rep. Walberg will want it to be […]

The post Congress Acting As Spoiled Children appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 678: What the Flynn Guilty Plea REALLY Means

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

678: What the Flynn Guilty Plea REALLY Means


I'm so sick the media not doing its job.

First, they spend most of their time covering news that doesn't matter like the mountain of sex scandals that make headlines every day.

I'm not saying you shouldn't cover that stuff; it's news for crying out loud. But we don't need wall to wall coverage and discussion of it.

Then when an important story like the Flynn Guilty Plea is announced the media chooses to sensationalize or outright distort the truth. The facts don't matter, just the soundbites.

I started my show in 2015 because I was tired of the narrative in America. I wanted to bring the truth back into view and stop the political pandering I heard on TV and talk radio.

Next year this show is going to hit a new level. I'm close to announcing what's to come and I appreciate every one of you who's remained a fan of the show while I was away shooting a TV show for History Channel.

Today I'll do my best to shed some light on the news and explain what the Flynn Plea really means.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 677: Matt Lauer, Brexit and Cryptocurrencies

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

677: Matt Lauer, Brexit and Cryptocurrencies


Kind of an odd mix today but I wanted to discuss the recent wave of sexual harassment claims being made by women across the nation. I have to say it makes me proud to see so many women stepping out under great risk to their reputations and calling their harassers to account.

Matt Lauer is the latest big shot to fall and the claims being leveled against him are hard to read. I can't imagine being a woman and having to put up with the kind of abuse these women suffered under Lauer.

Good news is, he's gone, and another bad apple has been exposed.

Brexit is also in the news today as Frankfurt as more than 20 new residential skyscrapers being planned and built ahead of the expected flood of bankers and business owners who will no doubt move back to the EU to avoid the new trade restrictions that will go into effect as the UK withdraws from membership.

Also in the stack, the IRS wins its lawsuit over Coinbase, and American children have a 57% chance of being obese as adults. It's crazy!

Talk soon,



The Jason Stapleton Program - What's Up with Net Neutrality?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

What's Up with Net Neutrality?


Alien Gear ShapeShift Holster Review



A while ago I did a review on the holsters that I have had and used over time -
and then I did a review on just the alien gear holsters that I had, to which were the cloak tuck 3.0, to which I used those for a few years -
This review is on their newest holster, the ShapeShift Modular Holster.

This holster is more expensive as I bought the start kit for this. While this is more expensive than buying a cloak tuck 3.0 holster, this holster is really 3 holsters in one
The 3 holsters in one is because with the start kit

  • you can do a OWB style holster (either by a belt slide or by a paddle)
  • you can also do a IWB style holster
  • you can also do an appendix carry style holster.

There is also a free mounting backet that you can mount in your car, under your desk or anywhere basically so that you can have the holster shell positioned anywhere you want it to be.



The adjusting of this holster is a lot easier than their previous holster as there is no need for the hex key wrench anymore to adjust anything. To adjust the height of the clips all you have to do is turn them so that they then release and you can then adjust the height.


If you want to adjust the retention, you use one of the knob thingies that keep the holster in place

to adjust the retention, so this holster you can literally adjust it while out in the field and not have any tools with you.

When it comes to comfort, this is by far my favorite one. This holster for the IWB is samller than their cloak tuck 3.0 holster and it just feels stronger and seems to have more padding
in it.

There is even a thumb release on it so that the gun will lock into place, to which when pressed you can pull the gun out of the holster then, which could be nice for if you have it mounted in your car, under your desk or even for a OWB carry. 

As always Alien Gear has a 30 day money back guarantee on their holsters and they offer a lifetime warranty on the holster as well.
You can purchase or look more at this holster at
or you can buy it on Amazon at

See the video below regarding this review.

Watch this on YouTube

Watch this on Daily Motion -

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Laws, Agencies, & Federal Confusion

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Laws, Agencies, & Federal Confusion

"Laws, Agencies, & Federal Confusion11/25/2017 -

Samuel Adams was correct when he said that loss of knowledge means loss of liberty.  KrisAnne and JC get into some deeply seated points of Constitutional Confusion that plague Americans and government today. Alternatively you can listen to “Laws, Agencies & Federal Confusion” by KrisAnne Hall on  YouTube

The post Laws, Agencies, & Federal Confusion appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


Unboxing the new Alien Gear Shape Shift Holster



Here is a video unboxing the Alien Gear Shapeshift Holster start kit, the holster kit that can transform from a IWB to OWB, to Apendix carry and even mount it under a desk
The video below shows everything that you can expect to come in the box when you order a starter kit, with the exception of the extra mounting bracket and the double magazine holsters
I will have a review of the Shapeshift holster up soon.


Watch this video on YouTube -

 Watch this videon on Daily Motion -

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