How to light your charcoal grill or charcoal smoker without using lighter fluid





Here is how you can light your charcoal grill or your charcoal smoker without having to use any lighter fluid. I have been using this method for a few years now, and the one time that I did use lighter fluid the food had a tate of lighter fluid, even when I only used a small amount. 

To use this method you only need a few items. 

First you need a charcoal chimney starter

you also need some paper (news paper works just fine). An option item is to use some inexpensive vegetable oil. The vegetable oil will cause the paper to burn slower, but the more oil you use, the smokeir it will be. 

Take your news paper (if you plan to use vegetable oil, place some before you crumple the paper), or other paper product and crumple it into a ball and place it under the charcoal chimney starter

Place your chimney starter on the top rack of your grill / smoker, fill it up with your choice of charcoal and light it from the bottom with either a match or a lighter. 

Wait about 10 - 15 minutes and it shoudl be ready to go. 


Here is a video of this process. 

Watch this video on Dailymotion -

Watch this video on DTube -

Watch this video on YouTube -





Alien Gear double magazine holster review


Here is my review of the Alien Gear magazine holster. This is something that I have had for about a month now and here is what I think of this.
Please note, I did not receive anything from Alien Gear or any of it's companies for this review. I did not receive this at a discount, nor did I get these for free.
I paid full price for these magazine holsters and I am just giving my honest review of them.



above image from Amazon

These magazine holsters so far have been one of the more comfortable ones that I have used with my XD. Previously I had been using the holster that comes with the XD gun,
and I have also been using a cloth like one that I bought off of Amazon (I think). The cloth like one and the XD holster are both OWB (outside the waist band) holsters
and they have their draw backs. The cloth one wore out after a year and the XD holster would get cought everytime I would get out of my car or get up from a couch as I would
carry it on my back side of my pants.

 Image from Amazon


above image from Amazon

The Alien Gear magazine holster is extremely easy to setup, they include all the hardware that you will need for this and they also include all the instructions to get you going as well.
With some of their older gun holsters there was a hex key that was in a bag, but now the hex key is inside of the magazine holster in a little compartment to keep it safe.
All this time of wearing them and I have never lost the hex key (allan wrench) yet. They dis-assemble quite easily to swap between the OWB and IWB (Outside the waist band and Inside the waste band).

For carrying on the OWB they include a paddle to hook both of them up onto this paddle to be a double magazine holster. If you want to do a IWB, they will go individually inside
your waist band.

The hex key is to adjust the retention of the holster tho which works quite easily and that is the only purpose of the hex key. Unlike their older holsters you do not need the
hex key to adjust the height or swap between the IWB and OWB. There is a little knob like thing that you twist which will allow push the lever that allows you to remove the
belt clip.

There are 2 clips that come with, a belt slide, plus the paddle.

For the OWB carry you can have them in just about any way that you want them to be (verticle, horizontal, angled, etc.. )

If you are in the need for a magazine holster, give the Alien gear a try. They have a 30 day money back guarantee!


above image from Amazon


 Watch the video below of my review to see how easy it is to use these magazine holsters. 


Watch this video on D.Tube -


The Jason Stapleton Program - 673: The AMA's, Taxes and Bitcoin

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

673: The AMA's, Taxes and Bitcoin


So I'm in California working on a deal that will allow the JSP to expand to the next level and become the kind of show we all want it to be and while visiting with my ad partners at Westwood One, I as offered a ticket to the American Music Awards.

Now, pop culture is not something I follow closely and pop music, not at all, but I thought, "How many times do you get the chance to attend a big event like the AMA's for free?"

So I went.

I had a really great time, and I was proud of the producers for keeping politics out of the event. I think everyone is getting a little tired of the overlap. I talk about politics all day, and I know when I put on the ball game or go to a concert the last thing I want to hear some celebrities opinion on current events.

It looks like the AMA's are tired of it too because the event was really focused on the music and celebrating some really talented artists.

But enough of that, let's talk about some politics.

I read an article from Forbes this morning talking about the GOP tax cuts, and I thought I'd use it as a teaching tool to point out the way Keynesians think about taxes and interest rates. I also think it's a great example of how little people actually understand about economics.

After that, I'll talk a little about bitcoin, and then we'll finish up with the mess in Baltimore. It turns out they've cordoned off sections of the city and are violating 4th amendment protections all in the name of protecting its citizens.

It's another example of government violating your constitutional protections and telling you its good for you. LOL



The KrisAnne Hall Show - How Roy Moore & Al Franken Prove our Congressmen Unfit for Office

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

How Roy Moore & Al Franken Prove our Congressmen Unfit for Office

"How Roy Moore & Al Franken Prove our Congressmen Unfit for Office11/18/2017 -

KrisAnne and JC discuss in detail the one thing that our politicians refuse to be bold and outspoken about, and its the one thing they are bound by duty to speak about. Alternatively you can listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube

The post How Roy Moore & Al Franken Prove our Congressmen Unfit for Office appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 672: The Al Franken Story Pisses Me Off

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

672: The Al Franken Story Pisses Me Off


Yesterday I went on a tirade over the wall to wall coverage of the various sex scandals hitting the news. It's all partisan, and none of it matters.

Last night while I was trolling the interwebs looking for good stories I ran across the infamous picture of Al Franken "groping." a young actress and model back in 2006.

Up until then, I'd only heard the conservative commentary about the incident on the radio. To listen to them tell it, Franken fondled some poor woman while she was sleeping and had some idiot take pictures of it but the image itself shows a very different story.

When I saw the photo I got angry...really angry and I started doing some research, and it turns out the real tragedy, the real crime wasn't what's shown in the photo but what happened before, and after the incident.

I'll run through the entire story today and give you some perspective you won't get from Main Stream Talk.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 671: China is About to Implode. Here's Why that Matters to You

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

671: China is About to Implode. Here's Why that Matters to You


You've got to go way back into the archives to find the last time we talked about the Australian economy but thanks to an incredible article by a guy named Matt Barrie we're going to talk about it today.

I highly suggest you read the entire article. It can be found at:

I'm only going to cover the first 8-10 pages on the show today, but it's well worth reading the entire thing.

We are on the verge of the most significant economic catastrophes the world has ever seen, and it may very well originate in China.

What does that mean for you? How will it all shake out? We'll discuss everything on the show today.

This is one of those episodes you don't want to miss. It's one you need to share.

See you tomorrow!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 670: Frankin Calls for Social Media Censorship

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

670: Frankin Calls for Social Media Censorship


It should come as no surprise that comedian turned political hack Al Frankin is now advocating for government censorship of social media.

Apparently, he believes social media has gotten too big to be managed by the companies that run the platforms. His solution? The government should decide what gets posted and what doesn't.

Anyone else find it humorous that Frankin thinks government would do a better job of managing social media than the media companies themselves?

We're also going to talk Venezuela. They have finally defaulted on their debt, and I want to take time and walk you through everything that's happened over the last decade that's lead to the demise of this once thriving country.

Great show today! Share it with a friend!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 668: Killer Robots, Floating Cities, and a Bond Bubble

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

668: Killer Robots, Floating Cities, and a Bond Bubble


I love days like today. We've got some interesting articles that allow for some great story and commentary.

I also go into a little rant about the 5 Principles of Liberty.

If you're listening to today's show and are looking for the link to my Trading Mastery Program here's the link:

Over half the spots are already full, so you need to sign up quickly.

Talk soon,



The KrisAnne Hall Show - Your Questions on the Constitution

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Your Questions on the Constitution

"Your Questions on the Constitution11/11/2017 -

KrisAnne and JC answer YOUR questions about the Constitution in a special question and answer episode. Questions on the Constitution by KrisAnne Hall can also be heard on YouTube

The post Your Questions on the Constitution appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 666: Tackling Gun Violence in America

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

666: Tackling Gun Violence in America


It seems like the last few months have been a blur. I've been traveling so much the show has had to take a back seat to other responsibilities.

That sucks because this show has always been a passion project for me and the passion is still there. But I've got some good news...

First, it would appear, at least for the rest of the month, I'm going to be behind the mic every day. It's back to the old routine, and that's going to feel good.

Second, As I look into next year, I've decided I want to make the show my primary focus. For three years I've done the show part-time as a labor of love, but if this show is ever going to have the impact, I want it's going to take a full-time effort.

Right now I'm working with advertisers and partners to help make this possible, and I could not be more excited. A move to a full-time show means not only do you get the show, five days a week, but it also means I'll have time for all the little things you've been asking for like short video clips, in-depth interviews, and live events. I may even hit a speaking event or two. :)

The bottom line is this; I just want to say thank you for your patience and commitment to this show and the ideas we promote. I know it might seem like my commitment has wained in the last few months but nothing could be further from the truth. I want to blow this show up into one of the most significant political and economic voices in America, and I could not do it without you.

Now, how about some news!

Since I've been gone, I haven't had the chance to comment on the recent shooting in Texas. I've been watching a lot of coverage, and for some reason, the media wants to focus on bump stock legislation and mental health screenings.

You've got voices with varying political and social interests trying to spin the shooting to fit their agenda, and I don't feel like there are very many people having an honest discussion about gun violence and how we fix it.

So today I'll spend a chunk of the show giving you my thoughts on guns, background checks, mental health and how we solve the explosion in violence we see, not just here in America but around the world.



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