The KrisAnne Hall Show - FEMA Natural Disasters and the Constitution

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

FEMA Natural Disasters and the Constitution

"FEMA Natural Disasters and the Constitution09/16/2017 -

Today KrisAnne talks about the role of the federal government in natural disasters and an important message about the 4th Amendment all in the wake of hurricane Irma. Alternatively you can listen to “FEMA Natural Disasters and the Constitution” by KrisAnne Hall on YouTube

The post FEMA Natural Disasters and the Constitution appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


Gluten Free, Keto Friendly, Cauliflower Rice - how to make this at home


Cauliflower rice is something that I keep seeing at the store to which to me is nothing more than just over priced cauliflower that you can easily make at home. You can make this out of a head of cauliflower or sometimes it may be cheaper to buy the frozen cauliflower florets in the frozen section of your store. 

All that you need to make this is:



  1. If you are using a full head of cauliflower, trim off the florets and place into your Food Processor or Ninja
  2. Blend or process it until it resembles rice like consistency. 
  3. That is all.

The KrisAnne Hall Show - Presidential Pensions and Violations of Rights

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Presidential Pensions and Violations of Rights

"Presidential Pensions and Violations of Rights09/02/2017 -

How much are we paying past president?  Why are they asking Congress for more? Listen as we expose more continued violations of the Rights of the people by those who swore to defend them. Alternatively you can listen to this edition of “The KrisAnne Hall Show” on YouTube

The post Presidential Pensions and Violations of Rights appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 647: America Has a Tax Problem...

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

647: America Has a Tax Problem...


According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Americans spent more in taxes than they did on food and clothing combined in 2016. The percentage difference was roughly +14%.

If you can believe it, the same data shows that, in just three years, the average American tax bill increased by 41.13%.

Frustrating as it might be I feel the need to reiterate the most important truth about government one can commit to memory...

...Nobody is looking out for you.

Sure they say they have your best interest at heart but is it really in your best interest for the government to take more from you in taxes than what you spend to feed and clothe your family?

Is there no limit to the entitlement some in government have to your fruits of your labor? What should we consider a reasonable amount of theft?

This type of violation will never end until we decide to elect representatives rather than politicians. It will take a conscious effort on our part as individuals to carefully screen those we choose to support for political office. And if they turn out to be liars and cheats who deceived us then we have the responsibility to correct our mistake and seek new representation.

It's been a great week. Enjoy your weekend. I'll talk to you on Monday.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 646: Nick Sarwark Talks About the LP, White Nationalism, and Tom Woods

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

646: Nick Sarwark Talks About the LP, White Nationalism, and Tom Woods


I have to say this is the most abrasive interview I've ever done. Nick, to his credit, asked to come on the show even after I warned him it was going to be a non-permissive environment.

Nick and I discuss the recent controversy with Tom Woods, the implications that Tom and others at the Mises Institute support white nationalism and the future of the Libertarian Party.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to who won this argument, but there's no question Nick and I differ on a host of issues.

Hope you enjoy the fireworks.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 644: I Love Price Gouging and So Should You. Here's Why...

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

644: I Love Price Gouging and So Should You. Here's Why...


It pains me even to take time discussing the idiotic notion that price gouging is somehow evil or even bad for the economy. Most economists don't even bother explaining it because it seems ridiculous to spend time arguing that prices changes relative to demand are somehow a bad thing.

But it is this very lack of clarification from those in a position to give it that creates the window of opportunity social justice warriors need to spread disinformation.

Most of them are just Johnny and Susie DoGooders who lack the education necessary to understand what they're advocating for but that doesn't make their ideas any less destructive.

The truth is that price gouging is a good thing. It's a necessary thing for an economy to function correctly. Anyone who says differently is either lying to you or don't know what they're talking about.

Today I'll discuss a couple of price gouging examples in Texas and how it helps ensure goods and resources go where they are most needed.

We'll also discuss Antifa, the violent protests in Berkeley and Trump's decision to recent the ban on police militarization.

Big day today. Enjoy the show!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 644: It's Your Fault

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

644: It's Your Fault


I'm fond of this saying. I use it a lot when I teach. I use it because, before I can help someone change their life I first have to get them to take responsibility for where they are. From there I can help them get where they want to go.

I think it's only a matter of time before Trump gets blamed for the recent disaster in Texas. It won't be his fault. No president can be held responsible for the weak reaction of 10,000 government workers. But that's not going to keep the media from blaming him.

What get's me fired up is the expectation by those in the media that it is governments responsibility to make sure you get out of town before disaster strikes.

Keep in mind this wasn't a tornado. The citizens of Houston had days to get out of the city. If you waited until the last minute, you might have had trouble leaving, but you had more than enough notice that a major storm was coming.

So if you didn't get out who's fault is it? If you haven't guessed, it's your fault. One of the great frustrations I have is how little personal responsibility people have these days. It's always somebody else's problem. It's someone else's fault. I'm sick of it. Man up. Take responsibility for your self and your family. Manage your business and grow up. Stop waiting for someone to show up and hold your hand.

It's great to be back in the studio this week, thanks so much for being part of the show. And if you're ready to change your life here's something I think might help.


Double Jeopardy? Tripple Jeopardy? How far will the courts go to get their way?


In a federal detention hearing today, for 2 defendants in the Las Vegas Federal court, lead prosecutor Steven Myhre nearly had a mental breakdown. He began shaking and lost it in a childish, unprofessional way, directing accusations at two defendants who were found not guilty on the majority of charges by jurors, just the day before.

He uncontrollably and angrily accused defendant Eric Parker of being a coward multiple times, and referred to him even as "a slithering coward with a gun," going on to bring up a shirt he and others had worn the evening before with the words Jury Nullification - No Victim No Crime. He desperately begged the judge to not release these two defendants, Eric Parker and Scott Drexler.

Myhre even stooped so low as to say that Drexler should not be allowed pretrial release pending a third jury trial because of Drexler having camping gear and food in his truck!Stating that he could be at flight risk because he's a survivalist.

Judge Gloria Navarro, facing impeachment accusations because of her biased actions in the past two trials of these same defendants, seems to be losing steam and control of her own courtroom. She's losing it so bad that she even went as far as accusing one of the defendants, Drexler, of giving her the evil eye multiple times during the trial, calling him disobedient and like a child.

This has become far from a fair trial. A court that has traded the kangaroo in for the book on Nazism.

Let's just state a few reasons why this judge should at least recluse herself from the case:

#1. Her husband is Clark County prosecutor, Brian Rutledge. Conflict of interest because of his involvement with Harry Reid and the land grabs throughout Clark County.

#2. Judge Navarro's involvement with the Hage family, in another land grab of a Rancher's grazing rights involving the BLM.

#3. How can she be fair when she has already handed out sentencing to at least two other defendants, Greg Burleson 68 years, and Jerry DeLemus 8 years, in the same case?"

- john lamb


If you believe that this atrocity that the courts are doing is wrong, and the levels that they are going thru is way too much then consider signing this petition to impeach judge Navarro.


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Judges Acting In Bad Behavior

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Judges Acting In Bad Behavior

"Judges Acting In Bad Behavior08/19/2017 -

A well known conservative says, on the record that federal judges should not be questioned. Let’s take a closer Constitutional look at that. Alternatively, Judges Acting in Bad Behavior” by KrisAnne Hall can be listened to on YouTube

The post Judges Acting In Bad Behavior appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 641: Charlottesville, White Nationalists, Antifa and Chris Cantwell

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

641: Charlottesville, White Nationalists, Antifa and Chris Cantwell


I apologize in advance for the poor audio in this episode. I don't have my system set up in the new studio yet, and I'm using a simple USB mic, and the audio is a bit poppy.

I know a lot of you are interested in my thoughts on Charlottesville and the violence we've seen over the last week.

Here are my thoughts, as clear as I can make them.



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