The Jason Stapleton Program - 640: The Thousand Yard Stare of My Cubical Neighbors

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

640: The Thousand Yard Stare of My Cubical Neighbors


I actually have an article to go with that show title, but I couldn't help tying in the hopeless, defeated, noose tightening gaze coming from the employees of the company across the hall from us.

A couple of weeks ago Darren and I discussed how dissatisfied most people are with the work they do, but many of them feel trapped.

I guess they should feel lucky they have a job now that labor force participation remains so low.

But all I could think about was an article I just read about Social Security. I want to share my thoughts with you on today's show.

Life doesn't have to suck. You just need a little heart and a willingness to lay your future on the line.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 639: Let's Talk about Subsidies

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

639: Let's Talk about Subsidies


I know that most of you listening to the show today will be against subsidies but do you understand why?

It's one thing to say "taxation is theft" and then support that statement with an understanding that stolen money shouldn't be appropriated as a form of corporate welfare.

But do you really understand WHY we shouldn't prop up a company, market or industry? Do you know what happens in the economy when you do?

That's what I want to talk about today. We've got a great example in the news that illustrates the problem perfectly.

Also, I got a chuckle out of Walmarts latest attempt to combat Amazon. I'll tell you about it at the top of the show.



FAT - Good or Bad and the big bad media hype


Remember back in the 80's and 90's when the "experts" and the media said that Fat was this big bad ugly thing to have and if you ate it would kill you (a bit of exaggeration there) and going fat free was the answer. How many people lost weight doing this, and how many people gained weight doing this. I seem to remember that a lot of people had to work extra hard at the gym to give thier mind the beliefe that going fat free was the answer.

From what I have seen in my own dietary needs as well as quite a few others that fat free is actually the enemy. When you remove fat you are removing a few things. You remove the energy component (yes, Fat does provide energy!), you remove the satiety component and you also remove the taste component. Now back to the energy thing for fat. Your body will burn fat and use it as energy and unlike carbs, it will not raise your blood sugar the same way that carbs will. For people on the keto diet for a Glut1 deficiency, they have to maintain a low carb intake for the rest of their life and keep the fats up to which is a 4 to 1 ratio. 4 fats to 1 carb, as this helps keep the seizures at bay. The Glut1 defiency basically is a disorder to where your body cannot transport the energy from carbs to your brain, so your brain basically starves of energy and you have developmental delays and seizures. Since fat is an energy source, the body can feed your brain off of that. The other thing is carbs when turned into glucose only provide a short span of energy as it is basically a “sugar rush” to why some will notice that when they eat a carb heavy meal they get tired after a while. Their body is coming down from the sugar high. I notice that when I do not follow the low carb diet, that I tend to get “dizzy” spells here and there when I eat carbs because my blood sugar is doing a up and down thing all the time.
When I followed a strict low carb diet for 6 months, I noticed quite a few things.

• I lost over 50 lbs in about 6 months.
• My knees and other joints stopped hurting
• I quit sweating a lot.
• I slept a ton better
• My cholesterol was deemed excellent
• My triglycerides were at 43 from over 200
• My bad cholesterol was where my doctor wanted it at
• My good cholesterol was where he wanted it at.
• I did not have many mood swings.
• I was able to do 60 mile bike rides without stopping.
The one fat that I did stay away from was the trans fats, I stuck to more natural fats.

Here are a few articles that I found regarding Fats.


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Responding to Liberal Vitriol & Over Politicized Judiciary

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Responding to Liberal Vitriol & Over Politicized Judiciary

"Responding to Liberal Vitriol & Over Politicized Judiciary07/29/2017 -

Do you get tired of the name calling and the irrational attacks for simply defending the Constitution?  KrisAnne gives some advice on how to deal with the Liberal Vitriol and keep your sanity.  This and more on today’s show. Listen to this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show on  YouTube

The post Responding to Liberal Vitriol & Over Politicized Judiciary appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 635: 100% Inheritance Tax? Why not?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

635: 100% Inheritance Tax? Why not?


I'm shocked we still have the conversation in 2017, but the fact is most people are ignorant of history and immune to good ideas.

Such is the case for Guardian columnist Abi Wilkinson.

Wilkinson laments the fact that so many people die with money in their pockets, choosing to pass it on to their family rather than giving it to the government to be redistributed.

So, why is an inheritance tax such a bad idea? Wouldn't it be better if Britains took the 77billion pounds gifted in inheritance each year and spent it on the welfare state?

Well, NO! If you want to understand why this is such a bad idea listen to today's show.

Should we repeal the 17th amendment? If your gut response is, "What's the 17th amendment?" then you need to hit play and listen to the discussion.

Lot's of great stuff today. I love days like this.




The Jason Stapleton Program - 634: Schumer Says Dems are "Namby-Pamby"

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

634: Schumer Says Dems are "Namby-Pamby"


Apparently, the Dems think they lost the election because Americans didn't know what they stand for so, according to Chuck Schumer, they've rolled out a NEW, BRAVE and BOLD plan to win back blue collar workers.

What is this plan you ask? In short, new infrastructure spending, a raise to the minimum wage along with paid maternity leave and child care.

If you think that sounds a lot like Roosevelts "New Deal" it's because it is. This is the same platform Democrats have run on for decades. It's not new, brave or bold. Its a retread of old ideas.


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Democrats Deny Jefferson & Sessions Violates Constitution

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Democrats Deny Jefferson & Sessions Violates Constitution

"Democrats Deny Jefferson & Sessions Violates Constitution07/22/2017 -

What happens when we deny history, when we try to erase the past?  We repeat all the bad stuff.  Today’s show is all about truth and consequences.  Principle over Party and Liberty over Security! Alternatively this edition of the KrisAnne Hall Show is available on YouTube Related Searches Thomas Jefferson Jeff Sessions

The post Democrats Deny Jefferson & Sessions Violates Constitution appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 632: Union Workers Lose as Teamsters Pension Defaults

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

632: Union Workers Lose as Teamsters Pension Defaults


Here's a question for you...

Why would the federal government pass a law to bail out a private pension program?

What business is it of the federal government (or any government) to involve itself in a private contract dispute?

Crazy as it might sound the feds, led by Bernie Sanders, is trying to pass the Keep Our Pension Promises Act which would provide a form of bailout to the Teamsters private Central States Pension Fund which currently pays out more than $3 for ever $1 it brings in.

It's a form government corruption, not at the hands of crony capitalists but by unions who made promises of fat pensions they could never hope to cover.

Is Maxine Waters running for President in 2020?

Lord, please say yes!

Can you imagine the hours of material a presidential run by Maxine would provide? She's a goldmine of political humor.

It's not impossible. She's headed to New Hampshire for a picknick to hobnob with the Democratic elites of Strafford County.

Here's me, crossing my fingers.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 631: Social Security Headed for the Cliff...

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

631: Social Security Headed for the Cliff...


What happens when social security starts paying out more than it brings in? It's going to happen sooner than you think.

Right now social security is projected to be upside down in just five years.

In addition, the Disability Insurance trust fund will start paying out more than it brings in by 2028.

Those who advocate for bigger government, more spending and big promises need to look at the promises they've already made but can't hope to pay for and those of you who think government promises equal guarantees need to take a hard look at our current situation.

Three things are going to happen over the next twenty years.

1. Taxes are going up.
2. Promises will be broken.
3. Standards of living will fall for many who thought their government guarantee would provide for them.

Don't fall victim to the lies our politicians tell us. It will cost you dearly down the road.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 630: Another Prediction Comes True

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

630: Another Prediction Comes True


Repeal and replace is now finished and the Senate is having trouble mustering the votes just to bring a repeal bill up for debate.

At this point, it's safe to say the congress is incapable of functioning.

Some of you could not be happier, and under normal circumstances, I'd be right there with you. But a repeal of Obamacare and a rollback of regulation combined with tax reforms are things I'd like to see happen. The problem is, Republicans don't.

If you ever thought Republicans stand for your values of limited government and free markets the last few months should be a huge reality check.


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