The Jason Stapleton Program - 590: Republicans Passes 7 Day Spending Bill

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

590: Republicans Passes 7 Day Spending Bill


That's right. Congress is back to its same old bag of tricks. There are so very few things that the House of Representatives are required to do, and one is to pass a budget. Getting them to pass one is like pulling teeth.

They'd much rather waste time writing terrible bills designed to shift money from one hand to the other. (AHCA) or spend thousands of man hours crafting lofty sales pitches designed make you think they care about you. (A Better Way).

In the end, nothing changes because we refuse to change those we send to Washinton.

There are new calls for America to start getting aggressive in the Arctic. Yes, you read that right. With all the problems we have in the world today we now need to worry about gaining a foothold in the Arctic.

That's because Russia has just completed it's first Arctic military base and is actively building ships capable of navigating shipping routs through the icy Arctic waters.

It's ridiculous, and I'll explain why.

I've got a lot more on the show today but I know you're going to listen so I'll just let you hear it for yourself.

Don't forget to share the show!



The Jason Stapleton Program - 589: The New Republican Answer to Fixing Obamacare

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

589: The New Republican Answer to Fixing Obamacare


Just when you thought the Republican abortion to fix Obamacare was finished it finds new life with an amendment that's sure to please.

Ok, I've got not idea if that's true or not but the Republicans are touting an amendment to their amendment to Obamacare. They say this latest change may be just what conservatives need to behind it.

I've got mixed feeling about the plan, mainly because I haven't actually read it. All I've got is an outline from an article. Once there's an actual plan on paper I'll know more. Until then I'll tell you what I know.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 588: Congressman Thomas Massie - America's Honest Politician

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

588: Congressman Thomas Massie - America's Honest Politician


This may be the best show we've ever done. It's certainly the best interview I've ever had.

Representative Thomas Massie is one of the only honest men in Washington. Today you're going to get a rare look into what it's like to be a conservative in D.C.

Congressman Massie must fight not only the democratic opposition but also the leadership of his own party if he hopes to have a prayer of returning us to constitutional governance.

I cannot say enough good things about the congressman. We need more men like him. Men who not only talk about liberty and the constitution but who lay their reputation and political future on the line every day to serve both.




The Jason Stapleton Program - 587: Rachel Maddow Commits Journalistic Malpractice

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

587: Rachel Maddow Commits Journalistic Malpractice


Venezuela may not be getting much news coverage in the mainstream, but I've been updating you at every step for the last several years.

Now that Venezuela is on the verge of a total government collapse we're starting to see the media rewrite history.

Last week, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow committed what I believe to be journalistic malpractice when she implied that the current protests happening in Venezuela are a result of U.S. sanctions and a report that the Venezuelan government paid half a million dollars to fund Trumps inauguration event.

Her "reporting" highlights just how low our media has decided in the 21st century. Rachel didn't just get the story wrong. She deliberately misrepresented the truth and declared lies to be facts. All to create a reality that didn't exist.

It's the start of a coordinated effort to rewrite the history of Venezuela's fall, brought on by the socialist policies Ms. Maddow, and her ilk promote.

Another reason to make sure you never miss an episode of this show.



The KrisAnne Hall Show - God, Guns and Government

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

God, Guns and Government

"God, Guns and Government04/22/2017 -

Of all the enemies of liberty you can imagine, there is one in particular that is the most toxic. This toxic element clearly demonstrates why the most critical requirement for the preservation of liberty for generations is not a piece of paper written a couple hundred years ago. It’s a very seductive and compelling element, […]

The post God, Guns and Government appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 586: Liquidity Supernova Threatens Global Economy

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

586: Liquidity Supernova Threatens Global Economy


Now that is a headline.

The term "liquidity supernova" was coined by Michael Hartnett from BOA. He said:

"Liquidity supernova is the best explanation why global stocks and bonds both annualizing double-digit gains...."

The fact is, central banks have created a record 1 Trillion dollars in new debt in 2017.

That money is being used to fuel a bond and equity bubble larger than any in history. I shudder to think what will happen when they stop buying.

Most of Wall Street remains bullish, mainly because...well...most of Wall Street remains bullish. Nobody wants to be the guy who pulls out early and misses another 10 or 15 percent move.

Better to lose money with everyone else when the market turns than get out early and look like you don't know what you're doing.

But there is a small group of seasoned fund managers who are sounding the alarm.

This has been a great week of shows. Someone you know needs to hear them. Please share.

Oh and don't forget to sign up to get on our email list. That way you don't miss a single show announcement.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 585: North Korea Warns of a "Super-Mighty" Preemptive Strike

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

585: North Korea Warns of a "Super-Mighty" Preemptive Strike


Yes, that's right. As soon as the Jerry Seinfeld's "Super Terrific Happy Hour " ended the North Koreans warned of a preemptive strike that would reduce the U.S. mainland to ash.

It's funny and yet a little scary. Not because the North Koreans could make good on the threat but because they could make a mess of Japan and Guam.

There are a lot of kids getting out of school these days with no jobs, no marketable skills, and no drive to change their condition.

An article from NBC points out that 1 in 4 men 25-34 live at home, are not in school and are not working.

That's sad considering 100 years ago a 25-year-old was middle aged and was already employed in a skilled craft. He had to be. America was at the start of its industrial revolution. Most people still worked in skilled crafts like farming, woodworking or saddle making.

If they didn't work, they had to rely on the charity of others in the community. A charity that was hard to get if you proved to be lazy or untrustworthy.

Now young people lay around waiting for a call back from the one job interview they had this week.

What I find saddest is that we did this to our kids. We raised them to expect success to come ease. We told them they were special, that they were unique and that if they just follow the checklist, there would be someone waiting to pay them a small fortune when they finished.

Life doesn't work like that. The world can be a cruel, ugly place. Nobody cares how good intentioned you are. They care about results. They care about value, and if you don't add any to the bottom line you can be sure of one thing...

You're not going to matter.


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Changing the Status Quo

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Changing the Status Quo

"Changing the Status Quo04/20/2017 -

Do NOT tell me we have to “go along to get along.” Do NOT tell me I am ignoring reality. I am not ignoring reality. I just don’t accept it! I choose not to accept and encourage the current status quo and make excuses for our failings. I am not a “go along to get […]

The post Changing the Status Quo appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 584: Is Being Rich Immoral? The Case Now Being Made is Shocking

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

584: Is Being Rich Immoral? The Case Now Being Made is Shocking


Yesterday I read a piece on an obscure website that I won't mention because I don't want to give them any SEO help.

The article was a justification for why it's immoral to be wealthy.

This is an idea that's been around since the dawn of time. What's frustrating is that we know have the economic knowledge that should make these kinds of arguments non-existent.

But because of our poor education system and economic illiteracy, I find myself, yet again, explaining why wealth is important.

I think you'll enjoy today's episode.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 582: The Mind Games Media Plays on You

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

582: The Mind Games Media Plays on You


Friday I reported on a Huffington Post article by a South African college student who suggested a denial of voting rights to white men would solve all the worlds problems.

It turns out that article was likely written by someone inside the HuffPo to generate outrage AND a whole lot of clicks.

It's a modern version of clickbait perpetrated by a news organization considered by most progressives to be "legitimate."

While this types of blatant fraud are less common what has become common place is an agenda driven mainstream media where facts are far less important than playing to the hopes, fears, and emotions of the reader.

Finding the truth in the 21st century is a struggle. Lucky for us there are still third party sites and rogue journalists who are doing good work but if big media and the government get their way they'll silence anyone without a platform big enough to be considered "legitimate."

More discussion on this topic and a great example of crony capitalism today on the Jason Stapleton Program. Listen Now!



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