Gluten Free, Keto Friendly, Low Carb, easy chicken bouillon


If you make your own chicken broth, or if you buy chicken broth, here is a very easy way for you to take chicken broth / stock and make chicken bouillon out of it. 

It is a very easy process to do. Basically just take about 6 cups of chicken broth / stock and put it into a large pan and cook on medium high until it starts to boil, then turn down the heat. 

Let it simmer for a few hours, stirring it every once in a while until it reduces to a syrup like consistency. 

You will known when it gets to a syrup like consistency when you can take a rubber spatula and run a line in it and it does what the above picture shows. 


At this point you want to watch it so that it does not burn. 

Cook it down for a bit longer until it becomes almost like a thick syrup like

Now you can take it off the heat and I will usually put this into ice cube trays. From there you can freeze them and once they are solid enough to work with , bag and seal them. 

Note that if you make your own, they more than likely will never actually become 100% frozen. They will be firm, but because of the fat in them they will not freeze all the way. 




Directions :

  1. In a large large pan, add the home made chicken broth or  store bought chicken broth
  2. Turn the heat up to a medium high. 
  3. When the chicken broth starts to boil, turn the heat down and using a rubber spatula stir every once in a while. 
  4. When the chcken broth turns into a syrup like consitency, turn the heat down a bit more and stir a bit more frequently. 
  5. When the chicken broth becomes a heavy like syrup, remove from heat and either add to ice cube trays
  6. Once they have been in the freezer long enough, you can remove them and bag them and seal them. 


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Gluten Free, Keto Friendly, Low Carb, Chicken Stock / Broth


I like to make my own broth / stock, mainly because I know what goes into it. It is even better when I can do it with farm fresh meats. I will usually make a bit of different kinds of broth / stock and store them into my freezer, sealed as that way I do not have to worry if it is gluten free or not (and not get myself and my daughter sick), nor do I have to worry about anything that may be in the stock.I know that I have at least 10 cups of each on hand in my freezer, and by cooking a roast you can easily save the juices and make your own stock. 

This only needs a few ingredients to make, and the nice thing is that you control what goes into it.
Basically just need a crock pot, crock pot liner, a whole chicken, onion if you want and maybe either celery or some other vegetable (such as carrots). 

All that you need to do is take the whole chicken and place it into the crock pot, add the amount of vegetables that you want to add to it (for flavoring), then cook it on low for 10 hours, then save the juices left over. Those can be bagged and sealed and placed in your freezer. 




  • Whole Chicken
  • crock pot liner  (optional)
  • Vegetables (onions, carrots, celery, etc.. ) - optional


  1. Place a crock pot liner in your crock pot
  2. Place the Whole chicken inside of your crock pot
  3. add any vegetables that you want to
  4. add 3 cups of water
  5. cook the Whole chicken on low for 8 - 10 hours. 
  6. Once the chicken is done, grab a large bowl  add a colander into it. Remove the chicken and place into the colander (you may want some spatulas as it may fall apart)
  7. Once the juices have drained, move the chicken to a cutting board and do what you want with it (cut it up for dinner, use it in another recipes, etc.. )
  8. Remove the crock pot liner with the chicken stock / broth  inside of it. 
  9. Drain the chicken stock / broth  into the colander that is inside of the  bowl
  10. Place in your fridge overnight to allow the fat to solidify. 
  11. Remove the fat (if you want) and then place in bags to seal. 

See my video below on how this is done. 


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The KrisAnne Hall Show - Give Me Liberty

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Give Me Liberty

"Give Me Liberty03/25/2017 -

Did you know that March 23rd marked the anniversary of Patrick Henry’s historical speech? So much of what he said remains relevant today. Liberty has the power to inspire and to unite. It drives everything we do because Liberty is the only remedy to a tyranny which only seeks to divide and conquer. Time to […]

The post Give Me Liberty appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


Gluten Free, Keto Friendly, Low Carb, Beef Stock / Broth

I like to make my own broth / stock, mainly because I know what goes into it. It is even better when I can do it with farm fresh meats. I will usually make a bit of different kinds of broth / stock and store them into my freezer, sealed as that way I do not have to worry if it is gluten free or not (and not get myself and my daughter sick), nor do I have to worry about anything that may be in the stock.I know that I have at least 10 cups of each on hand in my freezer, and by cooking a roast you can easily save the juices and make your own stock. 

If you watch out what you put into the crockpot,you can easily use it. We used to use packets of french onion soup mix, but no longer do that. One of the main reasons we dont is that it is not gluten free, and the other is that it will give the beef broth a flavor of french onion soup, to which we do not want that in the stock. 

This only needs a few ingredients to make, and the nice thing is that you control what goes into it.
Basically just need a crock pot, crock pot liner, beef roast, onion if you want and maybe either celery or some other vegetable (such as carrots). 

All that you need to do is take the beef roast and place it into the crock pot, add the amount of vegetables that you want to add to it (for flavoring), then cook it on low for 10 hours, then save the juices left over. Those can be bagged and sealed and placed in your freezer. 




  • Beef Roast
  • crock pot liner  (optional)
  • Vegetables (onions, carrots, celery, etc.. ) - optional


  1. Place a crock pot liner in your crock pot
  2. Place the beef roast inside of your crock pot
  3. add any vegetables that you want to
  4. add 3 cups of water
  5. cook the beef roast on low for 8 - 10 hours. 
  6. Once the beef roast is done, remove the roast. 
  7. In a large bowl  add a colander
  8. Remove the crock pot liner with the beef broth inside of it. 
  9. Drain the beef broth into the colander that is inside of the  bowl
  10. Place in your fridge overnight to allow the fat to solidify. 
  11. Remove the fat (if you want) and then place in bags to seal. 

See my video below on how this is done. 


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The Jason Stapleton Program - 565: Thoughts on the London Attack and Surveillance State

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

565: Thoughts on the London Attack and Surveillance State


We have more information on the London attack and as I expected this appears to be a lone attacker who's actions were inspired but not orchestrated by ISIS.

For a long time, I've talked about the danger of single, independent attackers executing small terror attacks that yield tremendous results. In the absence of ease to acquire firearms those looking to do harm have simply moved to weapons like vehicles, knives, and hatchets.

It's a dangerous world we live in. Vigilance is required.

It appears the vote on the Republican healthcare bill is still up in the air. As of this writing, the freedom caucus still says there is no deal. My gut tells me this vote gets delayed, perhaps indefinitely. It's a bad bill, and I'll explain why this is not a situation where we should "take an inch."

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes found himself in a bit of a scandal yesterday when he went directly to the president with information about unmasked surveillance conducted on him and his team after the election. I've got a lot to say about this, and it's one more example of the media and the government missing the larger constitutional picture.

All that and the assassination of an exiled Russian MP who found himself on the wrong side of Putin's wrath.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 564: Government Nearly Kills Child Using Cyanide Bomb

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

564: Government Nearly Kills Child Using Cyanide Bomb


That is not a catchy headline designed to get your attention. A 14-year-old child narrowly escaped death when he unknowingly triggered a cyanide bomb near his home. The boy's dog was not so lucky.

I'll give you the whole story today on the show, but the perhaps the biggest "screw you" from the government came in the aftermath of the incident. No one has bothered to apologize or even assist this boy and his family with the exposure. Imagine the outrage by these same government agencies and politicians if a private company had exposed a citizen to this level of deadly poison.

It looks like the Republican health care bill will fail if brought up for a vote. I've got clips from Paul Ryan and Rand Paul talking about the divide between conservatives in the freedom caucus and RINO Republicans in the House. All signs point to Ryan pulling the bill before the scheduled vote tomorrow. According to the Freedom Caucus, they have 25 "no" votes, and they only need 21 to prevent the bill from passing.

I briefly discuss the attack this morning in London, but with limited information, there's not much to cover. If there turns out to be a story there, I'll cover it tomorrow once we have some facts rather than speculation to draw from.



The Jason Stapleton Program - 563: Republicans Move to Block Their Own Bill

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

563: Republicans Move to Block Their Own Bill


It a move of pure defiance the freedom caucus appears to have the votes necessary to block the new Republican health care replacement. To call it a replacement is quite a stretch. In reality, it is a modification of the Affordable Care Act that leaves in place most of the mandates from the ACA. It's a far cry from the platform Republicans have run on for the last eight years.

This hasn't stopped the Republican leadership from spreading doom and gloom. In an attempt to secure passage of the new Obamacare Lite bill, they are suggesting that if they cannot pass healthcare that tax cuts might be in jeopardy.

Today I'll break down the why and tell you exactly what you need to know.

Gorsuch is on Capital Hill this week giving testimony for his supreme court nomination. There's not much here worth covering, but that hasn't stopped the media from running the hearings in full. I've been watching for the last hour, and it's been night but Democrats attempting to catch Gorsuch in an incriminating statement while Republicans try to protect him. Gorsuch doesn't seem to need much protection. In my opinion, he has handled himself with incredible poise and clarity. I cannot see how he could not be confirmed.

Finally, Twitter is shutting down accounts in record number. More than 636,000 accounts have been terminated due to what Twitter calls "extremism."

Despite what some would like you to believe, this is not a freedom of speech issue. You don't have the right to say whatever you want on Twitter's platform. But this does cause me some concern when I think about how fragile the first amendment has become. Twitters hard line is just one example of how our society is becoming increasingly intolerant of views with which we disagree.

Thanks so much for listening. Don't forget to like and share the show!


The Jason Stapleton Program - 562: Testing the Limits of Free Speech and Police Power

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

562: Testing the Limits of Free Speech and Police Power


Today we'll discuss the limits (assuming the exist) of both free speech and police power. I two separate stories the government has is attempting to expand its power by diminishing the 1st amendment and second amendment while at the same time increasing policing power.

These are two issues that should bring all sides together. Both ones freedom of speech and the right to defend one's home and family are issues that unite us as a people when presented correctly. What I'm going to do today is give you the template to use when discussing these issues.


Tomi Lahren came out last week on the daytime talk show "The View" as pro-choice and chastised those who claimed to support limited government while suggesting the government should decide what she can do with her body.

Her comments immediately generated headlines which were likely the intent. Conservatives took to the internet to discredit Tomi and her statements.

I've been a critic of Tomi since I became aware of her shortly after she joining The Blaze TV. I don't dislike her because she's an attractive and successful conservative. I dislike her because she's dumb. I could be kind and say she's not very well informed, but the truth is she presents herself as a conservative thought leader in America, but her opinions are short on "thought." She, like Milo, is engaged in shock-commentary and like Milo, she has taken things one step to far. But I don't think Tomi needs to worry. This latest revelation will likely do nothing but strengthen her appeal and her value to an industry that puts controversy and provocative rhetoric above substance.


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Winning the Battle Over Federal Power

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Winning the Battle Over Federal Power

"Winning the Battle Over Federal Power03/18/2017 -

The federal governments march to control more and more of everything we do, every minute of the day is relentless. Their thirst for power and control is insatiable. They’ll never have enough power, they’ll never have enough control until they have it ALL and you are totally dependent on them. How did it get this […]

The post Winning the Battle Over Federal Power appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 560: Trump Gets Hit from All Sides

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

560: Trump Gets Hit from All Sides


From Trump's latest travel ban to his new budget proposal the president has been met with nothing but pushback from both Democrats and Republicans.

Many pundits have said the Democrats are a political party in disarray, but from my chair, it would seem they are far better mobilized and clear on their mission than the Republicans are.

The Republican Party is fundamentally broken. They appeal to a mostly conservative, limited government block of American voters but once in office they rarely make good on their tuff talk on the campaign trail.

It's not as thought Trump's proposals are all that great. The new Obamacare is a disaster and Trump's own budget does nothing to curb government spending.

If we want Washington to change we've got to change the people IN Washington. They're not going to leave on their own. We've got to show them the door when primary season rolls around.


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