DIY Liquid Laundry Detergent



Here is a simple recipe to make your own laundry detergent which can save you not only money, but can also help with scenting it the way that you want   (or scent free if you wish) and it may also help for those that have sensitivity issues to detergent (want to test it first to be sure)


For this you need just 3 (4 technically) ingredients


  1. In a container, add the dry ingredients into a gallon container.
  2. Add 3-4 cups of hot water and mix until it is a milky color. 
  3. Fill the rest of the gallon container with cold water. 
  4. Add 3/4 cup of liquid dish soap  (you can use any dish soap. If you want a natural one such as Method or other brands)
  5. You can add a few drops of essential oils if you want to have it scented


See the video below on how easy this is to make. 


The Jason Stapleton Program - Trump Tax Returns Make Rachel Maddow Look Foolish

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Trump Tax Returns Make Rachel Maddow Look Foolish


I was watching TV last night when Twitter started blowing up with claims that MSNBC host Rachel Maddow had secured Trump's tax returns. But instead of cutting into regularly scheduled programming to drop this bombshell on the world MSNBC instead decided to wait and reveal them on Maddow's show.

For half a minute I considered switching over from a riveting film starring Bryan Cranston to check out what Maddow but I decided against it when I realized she likely had nothing and social media would no doubt relay the information the second it was available.

It turns out Maddow's "scoop" debunked what progressives have been claiming for months, namely, that Trump had paid no taxes in years due to creative accounting.

It turns out Trump made about 150 million dollars and paid 36.5 million in taxes. According to some reports, that's more than MSNBC, and it's parent company paid.

So, to boost ratings Maddow ends of blowing the controversy over Trump's tax rate and ends up with egg on her face. To save what little dignity she had left she spent the balance of her show speculating about where the $150 million came from and stoked the flames of another progressive conspiracy about Trump's ties with Russia.


The Jason Stapleton Program - Is bitcoin Finished?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

Is bitcoin Finished?


No, not exactly, but it had a major setback last week. It's a stretch to call it a setback. What really happened was the SEC stated publicly what professional traders and investors have been saying for years.

In its decision, the SEC denied a proposal to launch the first regulated bitcoin exchange. The launch of a Bitcoin ETF would have opened new doors for the new digital currency that struggles with liquidity issues and high volatility.

I have been a voice of reason in the hype that surrounds Bitcoin these days. I've tried to point out the dangers investors face when putting money into Bitcoin and I've been met with a wall of resistance from those I call "Bitcoin Apologists" who are suggesting I don't know what I'm talking about and claim I need to "educate myself."

So I thought today I'd explain in detail why I don't invest in Bitcoin and why you might want to use caution in making your own decision. I'm not telling you it's right or wrong for you. I don't know you. But I can tell you what to look out for and help you understand the dangers if you do decide to invest.

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How to clean your fitbit


The fitbit, 

such a nice exercising tracking accessory to have, but since it is always on your wrist and you sweat, it collects the sweat and the dead sking and will start to stink eventually. The nice thing is that cleaning your fitbit is actually really easy and does not cost a lot of money to do. 

All you need are a few ingredients to do this simple task. 


Use the cotton rounds and add some alcohol to them and wipe down the fitbit down and try to get as much as possible to remove any dirt and grime from the fitbit. 

Use the Q-Tips dipped in alcohol to clean the small to reach areas including the charging ports. 

The tooth picks come in to play to remove the hard to reach areas to scrape out the dead skin. 


It should only take about 5 minutes to fully clean the fitbit. Let it fully dry before putting it back onto your wrist or before charging. Since you are using rubbing alcohol, it should only take a few minutes to dry off. I will also wipe down my wrist with the cotton rounds that have rubbing alcohol in them to remove any of the "stink"


See my video below on how to do this. 

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The KrisAnne Hall Show - Establishing Unlimited Power

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Establishing Unlimited Power

"Establishing Unlimited Power03/11/2017 -

Compelling Government Interest Buckle up and strap yourself in, because by the end of this episode your head might be ready to explode.  We have put a Republican majority in the House and Senate because they’ve promised over and over and over again to right all the wrongs of the misguided collectivist agenda. They promised […]

The post Establishing Unlimited Power appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 556: Americas Foreign Policy Nightmare

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

556: Americas Foreign Policy Nightmare


We've got ourselves in a real mess. America has managed to find itself in conflict around the world. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen all have an active military presence. Then there's saber rattling in Russia, China, and North Korea.

Recently North Korea launched several missiles into the ocean off the coast of Japan and claimed they were practicing hitting U.S. military targets in Japan.

America responded by sending the THAAD Anti-Missle Defense system to South Korea.

China and Russia didn't like that one bit. They claim the system isn't designed to defend South Korea but rather to spy on Russian and Chinese military capabilities.

We are in a foreign policy nightmare, and if we're not careful, it could turn into a world war. It's time America reevaluate it's entire foreign policy doctrine before it's too late.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 555: When Stupid Money Enters the Market, Run for the Hills

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

555: When Stupid Money Enters the Market, Run for the Hills


I warned all of you about Snapchat last week, and it didn't take long for me to be proven right. Today Snapchat traded below its opening price of $24 and appears headed back to its IPO price of $17. From there who knows but what I do know is market hysteria has hit a new high.

It's not just companies like Snapchat that have no value yet receive widespread praise. There are also deeper concerns in the stock market. Retail money is flooding back into the stocks, this time in the form of ETF's. The question is, how long can these prices be maintained once all the uneducated investors are fully invested.

Watch out. When worthless companies received ridiculous valuations and stupid money starts flowing into stocks alarm bells should be going off in your head. Don't fall victim to the hype. It can cost you everything.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 554: Is Trump Crazy or is This the Next WaterGate?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

554: Is Trump Crazy or is This the Next WaterGate?


The media is in an uproar over Trumps most recent tweets. Yes, I understand how ridiculous that is to write, but that makes it no less true.

Although Trump tweets are the main story today, I've got one that you won't see in the mainstream. It's another scandal at the ATF. This time they're running cigarettes not guns and defrauding the cigarette industry out of millions.

If I was writing a novel, I couldn't have crafted a better fiction. Unfortunately, this one is 100% accurate.




The KrisAnne Hall Show - The 1st Amendment and Taxation

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

The 1st Amendment and Taxation

"The 1st Amendment and Taxation03/04/2017 -

This is the first edition of our newly formatted, elongated version of The KrisAnne Hall Show . Our first show starts with the basics: The 1st Amendment. We’re going to cover not only the obvious, but some of the not so obvious aspects of the 1st Amendment such as the relationship between the 1st Amendment […]

The post The 1st Amendment and Taxation appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


DIY Stain Remover

DIY Oil and Grease Stain Removing


Have you ever gotten a grease stain or a oil stain on your clothes that no matter how many times you wash them, they justnot come out? Every time I cook bacon, I seem to get some sort of oil or grease stain on my shirt or pants, or I will just get a stain from just about anything. 

If I am working on my car, I always seem to get stains when I am wearing clothes that I never inteded to get stained, but when I am wearing old clothes that I dont care about they always seem to be pristine. 

Grilling stuff or when I am making ranch dressing especially for pizza's, I seem to get stains from stuff dripping onto my shirts. 

Here is a extremely easy way to remove the stubborn stains without having to go out to the store and buy some sort of new stain stick that sometimes does not work, and you probably have everything that you need to remove the stain anyways. 


I use liquid dish soap and a old toothbrush

Simply put some liquid dish soap on the stain and use the toothbrush to work it in, then put the clothing aside for 5 or 6 days then wash it. If by some chance the stain does not come out, try it one more time by working in the dish soap then letting it sit for a week. If by the 2nd time it does not come out, then the chance of it coming out might be fairly slim. You can try it more times if you want, but so far I have not had the need to do this more than 2 or 3 times (for extremely stubborn stains)

Below is a video of what I do. 


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