How to recharge silica gel packets


Silica gel packets, they come in just about everything from medication containers to shoes (sometimes) and most people just throw them away not knowing their full potential. Most think that the silica gel packets are a one time use application and that they must be no good once they have been sitting in the open for a while, well I am here to tell you that the silica gel packets can be reused multiple times. 

What silica gel packets do, is they absorb moisture from their environment and then they hold it in the gel. After a while they do lose their ability to absorb more moisture and it is at that point that most people just throw them in the garbage, when they are essentially throwing away something that is useful, versatile, recyclable and money. 


The KrisAnne Hall Show - One Congressman at a Time

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

One Congressman at a Time

"One Congressman at a Time02/24/2017 -

How do you we restore liberty? One Congressman at a time – Imagine what our country would be like if we actually had a Congress that upheld their oath of office. Congressman such as the selfish and wicked one heard in today’s show. Thomas Paine describes this Congressman to a “T.” Who is it? Listen and […]

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The Jason Stapleton Program - 548: LA Cop Opens Fire: Justified Shoot or Overreaction?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

548: LA Cop Opens Fire: Justified Shoot or Overreaction?


Lots of discussion about policing today. Not because that's the way I intended it, it's just the way the show broke out.

We start with the shooting in LA where (allegedly) an off-duty LA Police Officer put hands on a kid who was trespassing on his property. I struggle ensued, and the officer pulled his gun. The gun went off, an apparent accident and the crowd that had gathered dissipated.

So was this an issue of a heavy handed on power hungry cop or is it a justified use of force? Today I'll tell you what I think, and I'm not sure you're going to like the answer.

From there we'll talk about a new law that will allow police in Tucson to arrest peaceful protesters to prevent potential violence. If I can think of any reason to use violence, it would be in defense of one of my God given rights. (Say the freedom of speech).

It's a great show today with lots of back and forth between Darren and I. I think you're going to enjoy it.



The KrisAnne Hall Show - The Government is Force Not Love

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

The Government is Force Not Love

"The Government is Force Not Love02/23/2017 -

The only way liberty will grow and be restored in America is if we make it a point to shed our self righteousness, our propensity to segregate ourselves and divide ourselves along party, gender, or race. If we fail to resist the distraction of division that we’re constantly confronted with every single day we will never […]

The post The Government is Force Not Love appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 547: Second Amendment Under Fire and the Lies Government Tells Us

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

547: Second Amendment Under Fire and the Lies Government Tells Us


Whether we're talking about second amendment rights or the right to keep what we earn, the natural rights provided by "our creator" as well as those protected by the Constitution are under constant assault.

Today we're going to look at several examples of the ways government lies to us, and why we must be ever vigilant when given, we hear these silver tongued foxes promise us the moon in exchange for our liberty.

I have come to believe the greatest threat to our liberty is not a foreign government or invading army. It's not even a terrorist attack. The greatest threat to our liberty comes from our own government, and it's constant intrusion into every aspect of our lives.


The KrisAnne Hall Show - Teaching Slavery in the Classroom

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

Teaching Slavery in the Classroom

"Teaching Slavery in the Classroom02/22/2017 -

Time for a little history on our educational system. We need this history because once we understand the roots of our modern system, it will become clear why we have division on all levels in our society. We start with three men; Wilhelm Wundt, Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey. These three men largely believed […]

The post Teaching Slavery in the Classroom appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 546: Philly Learns an Important Lesson About Taxation

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

546: Philly Learns an Important Lesson About Taxation


It never quite works out the government thinks it will. They THINK, if they just raise taxes, they can bring in more money.

Need more money for schools? Just raise Taxes.

Have a shortfall in your budget? Raise Taxes.

Have a new infrastructure plan and need money to pay for it? Raise taxes.

Now they don't always raise taxes. Sometimes they put you into debt by selling bonds, but no matter how you slice it, you end up taking it on the chin.

It still amazes me that, although they have tried to tax us into prosperity time and time again, it never works out the way they expected.

Take Philadelphia for example. They recently passed a new Soda Tax. A 51% tax on all sugary drinks. They thought they'd receive a tax windfall. Instead, they saw sales decline by 30-50%, mass layoffs and the threat of running a shortfall in their education budget.

They say madness is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different response. That being true, we are governed by mad men.

Also on the show, Michigan State is banning white boards on dorm doors to prevent the chance "mean words" might be written to students.

It's not just Michigan State that's going off the deep end. More than 200 colleges and universities around the country now have what are effective "bias response teams" to police speech on campus. Students are encouraged to turn in fellow students, teachers, even political disagreements to these response teams for review.

It's a mad, mad world. Don't be part of it. Get your sanity back. Listen to the JSP Now!



The KrisAnne Hall Show - The American King

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

The American King

"The American King02/21/2017 -

Yesterday was President’s Day. Not Kings day. The Constitution is very specific about the duties and power of the President because our founders primary concern (based on the light of the lamp of history) was creating an executive branch without creating a kingdom! Today we review history to discover exactly why we have a President […]

The post The American King appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The KrisAnne Hall Show - How Slavery Ended in America

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the KrisAnne Hall Show, definately worth a listen! If you like what she says, she does do FREE speaking events! Just check out her website at

How Slavery Ended in America

"How Slavery Ended in America02/20/2017 -

Last night the first instance of my State Sovereignty class aired on C-SPAN2 and the topic for today’s show is driven by a question from Rochelle, who was inspired by the class. So how did the Constitution end slavery? Listen and share this lesson with all of those who want to divide us so they […]

The post How Slavery Ended in America appeared first on KrisAnne Hall.


The Jason Stapleton Program - 544: Trump, Putin, and the Media. Who's Telling the Truth?

This is another podcast from one of the many podcasts that I like to listen to. This one is from the Jason Stapleton Program, definately worth a listen!

544: Trump, Putin, and the Media. Who's Telling the Truth?


Trump has lashed out at the media again, this time calling them "the enemy of the America people." The media has responded by suggesting this is a tactic used by dictators to silence a free press.

John Mccain has weighed in on the issue even going as far as to criticize the president while giving a speech in Germany. Not directly mind you, but he did give a point-by-point takedown of the president's worldview calling it Nationalism.

But how much credit should we give McCain? Fellow senators like Rand Paul say not much, claiming McCain's criticisms are a reflection of a personal feud between him and the president. Rand went on to suggest McCain has been on the wrong side of history for the last four decades.

Today, I'm going to tear into this feud and explore some of the criticisms of both Trump and McCain to see if we can find some truth among the spin.

Also, If you thought I was joking about the government taxing robots I've got some great comments by Bill Gates. Can you say, hypocrite?

It's great to be back with you. Don't forget to like and share the show!!



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